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    人教版小学英语五年级下册 - Unit 5 Whose dog is it

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  • 时间:  2017-05

PEP五下英语《Unit5 Whose dog is it》教案教学设计下载12

Unit 5 Whose dog is it?-Period 5教案
Let's spell Read and write P50 、53
1. 能拼读含有字母组合ing和nk的单词。
2. 能理解Read and Write的主要内容,并完成相关的练习题。
1. 能拼读包含字母组合ng 和nk 。
2. 能理解Read and write 部并熟读。
Step1 : 预习温故
1. Read part A and part B ‘s words and Let’s talk part .
2. T: Whose pen is that ? S: It’s Mike’s pen . /It’s his .
T: Whose pencil is this ? S: It’s my pencil. / It’s mine .
T: Are these dogs running ? S: Yes, they are ./ No, they aren’t.
T: Is he eating ? S: Yes, he is . / No, he isn’t.(强调划线部分)
Step 2. 新课内容展示
1 Teach letters ng nk pronunciation / ( / / (k/
2. Spell these words : long sing ring young
think ink trunk pink
3. 给下列单词加ing。(老师板书在黑板上)
look _______ dance _______ run ________ walk ________ fly _______
Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建
1. Students read these words : like , bear, rabbit, tiger, elephant, monkey , bird , want to be .
2. Listen to the tape of Read and write three times.
3. 理解课文中的重点句子
4. Answer these questions:
Where are Sarah and Robin? They are at ______________________.
The bear is ___________________
The rabbits are _________________________
The tiger is _________________________
The elephant is _________________________
Step 4. 课内检测(详见导学案)
Step 5.布置当堂作业
1、熟读Read and write 部分。
Title 板书标题 Unit 5 Whose dog is it ? Let’s spell P50
Read and write p53
Board Design 板书内容设计
ng / ( / long sing ring young
nk / (k/ think ink trunk pink
look ________ dance ________ run _________
walk ________ fly _________
want to be