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    外研版小学英语四年级上册 - Unit 2 How much is it?

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  • 时间:  2017-07

Unit 2 how much is itPPT课件1

Unit 2 how much is itPPT课件1Unit 2 how much is itPPT课件1
How much is it?

Part A Let’s talk,Group work
Taught by Miss Chen
Let's chant
How much is that colourful dress?
Very expensive, very expensive.
How much is that pretty skirt?
Very expensive, very expensive.
How much is this yellow shirt?
Very cheap, very cheap.
Good! I want this shirt.
Let's say
colourful T-shirt
Let's say
pretty dress
Let's say
expensive shirt
Let's say
cheap skirt
Let's talk
A: I want that T-shirt.
It’s colourful.
B: Yes, it is.
It’s very nice/beautiful/pretty.
You do a good job!
Can you say?
Can you say?
Can you say?
Can you say?
50 yuan
Can you try?
64 yuan
88 yuan
57 yuan
21 yuan
43 yuan
99 yuan
Let's say
Look at the .It’s yuan.
B: It’s …yuan.
A: How much is it?
A: Look, I like that shirt/doll….
B: How much is it?
A: It’s … yuan. It’s cheap/too expensive.
Ask and answer
I buy(买) a new T-shirt.
I buy(买) a new dress.
I buy(买) a new shirt.
A: How much is it?
B: It’s … yuan.
Miss Chen’s Clothes Shop
Yes. I want that dress/pencil….
Can I help you?
Assistant: Welcome! Can I help you?
B: Yes. I want that …. How much is it?
Assistant: It’s … yuan.
B: Oh, it’s too expensive.
How about … yuan?
Assistant: Ok. Here you are.
B: Here you are. Thank you.Bye-bye!
Assistant: Bye!
Miss Chen’s Clothes Shop
Group work
Listen and answer
How much is the pretty dress?
Is the dress cheap?
No, it’s very expensive.
It’s ninety-nine yuan.
Mom: Amy, look at that dress. It’s colourful.
Amy: Yes it is. It’s very pretty.
Assistant: Can I help you?
Mom: Yes. How much is this dress?
Assistant: It’s ninety-nine yuan.
Mom: Oh, that’s expensive.
Amy: I like it, Mom.
Mom: Sorry, Amy. It’s too expensive.
San mao has 100 yuan. It’s hot. He buy(买)some ice-cream, watemelons and some toy cars. Now he has only 30 yuan. He had to(不得不) buy a T- shirt because(因为) his cloth is broken(破). So he entered into(走进) a clothes shop.
San mao: Today is hot. I want a T-shirt.
Assistant: Can I help you?
San mao: I want that blue T-shirt.
Assistant: Look, it’s nice and cheap.
San mao: Ok, how much is it?
Assistant: It’s 45 yuan.
San mao: Oh, it’s too expensive.
I only(只有) have 30 yuan.
Assistant: Oh,you are so poor(可怜).
San mao: Please! (求你)
Assistant: Ok, you can take it.
Thrift is not only a great virtue,
but also the great revenue.

Homework for today
1. Listen to the tape 4 times after class.
2. Make a dialogue like the text with your friends.
Thank you very much!

Can I help you?
A:Look, I want that sweater.It’s… yuan.
B:Oh,it’s expensive/cheap/nice/pretty.
A: Look, I want that coat. It’s… yuan.
It’s expensive/cheap/nice/pretty.