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    冀教版小学英语四年级上册 - Lesson 11 Toys

  • 格式:  DOCX
  • 大小:  101K    3页
  • 时间:  2017-10


Lesson 11 Toys 习题4


1.Listen and match. 听音,连线。

2.Read the words and write. 读一读,写一写。
a. shirt shoes __________ __________
b. chicken lunch __________ __________
c. three teeth __________ __________
d. these this __________ __________

3.Circle the different words. 圈出每组中不同类的词。

4.Write and match. 写一写,连一连。

5.Read. Draw √ or × . 阅读短文, 判断正误。
On Saturday afternoon, I like to play with my friends. We play catch with a ball.
We fly kites. We listen to music. Jenny plays with her teddy bear. Saturday is fun.
( ) a. It is a Saturday morning.
( ) b. We fly kites.
( ) c. We drink some water.
( ) d. Saturday is fun.

1.Danny-图4 Li Ming-图2 Jenny-图1和图3

2.short show
chair teach
think thank
they that

3.book, play, wash, ball, hand

4.(1)ball-图b. (2)kites-图c. (3)plays with-图d. (4)books- 图a.

5.a.× b.√ c.× d.√
Danny likes to play with a teddy bear.
b. Li Ming likes to play with a ball.
c. Jenny likes to fly a kite and read a book.