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    冀教版小学英语四年级上册 - Lesson 13 At School

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  • 大小:  175K    2页
  • 时间:  2017-10

Lesson 13 At School 习题5

At School

1.Listen and match. 听音,连线。

2.Read and draw. Then copy the words. 画出和单词相对应的图片,抄写单词。

3.Read and write. 读句子,填空。

4.Choose the correct answers. 选择正确的答语。
( ) a. What’s your name? A. See you later.
( ) b. How are you? B. I can show you.
( ) c. Goodbye! C. My name is Mary.
( ) d. Excuse me, where is the school? D. I’m fine. Thank you.

5.Act it out with your partner. 和同学一起演示问路。


1.a.图2 b.图3 c.图4 d.图1


3.Excuse me, Jack. Where is the library?
I can show you.

4.a—C b—D c—A d--B

5.A: Excuse me, where is the playground?
B: I can show you./Here it is!
A: Thanks!
Where is Danny? He’s in the library.
b. Where is Li Ming? He is at school.
c. Where is Jenny? She is on the playground.
d. Where is Lynn? She is in the classroom.