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    人教版初中英语九年级全一册 - Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.

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Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B-2

Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B-2Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B-2Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B-2Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B-2Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B-2
Unit 4
Section B
Period 2 (2a— 3b)
Just for Fun!
Please tell us what things you used to like doing when you were a child.
When I was a child, I used to like playing with my friends.
play with my friends
When I was a child, I used to like going to the zoo with my parents.
go to the zoo
When I was a child, I used to like watching TV.
watch TV
When I was a child, I used to like music.
like music
Who would you like to tell about your problems?
close friends
She is a high school student.
2b Read quickly and underline the
problems that Li Wen used to have.
She is a high school student.
2c Put the sentences into the correct
places in the passage.
The keys
1. not being in a place
2. affect
3. a school which some or all of the pupils live in during the school term
4. by oneself
Match the words or phrases with correct meanings.
boarding school
in person
Don't let me influence your decision.
Many students were absent this morning.
There is a small boarding school in the little town.
You'd better speak to him in person.
Make a sentence with each word or phrase.
influence absent boarding school in person
She used to spend a lot of time playing
games with friends.
She used to watch TV or chat with her grandmother.
Read and answer the questions.
Yes, she did.
7. Does
She hardly ever has time for concerts now. She usually studies and does her homework.
6. Did
2e Complete the passage with proper forms of the words and phrases in the box.
The keys
Imagine you are going to start a club to
help students who are not interested in
school work. Think of two activities
you can do with them, and discuss why it might help them.
When you have different opinions with your parents, how do you deal with that?
Use the language in this unit to write about how your life has changed since primary school.
What did your parents use to do when they
were children? How is it different from what
you do ? Talk to your parents and fill in the chart.
I like reading comics.
Enjoy a song, You Raise Me Up by Westlife.
Dedicate this song to our parents.
1. influence v. 影响
My dad influenced me to learn German.
We became the best of friends and he influenced me deeply.
我们成了最好的朋友, 他深深地影响了我。
His writings have influenced the lives of millions.
Language points
influence n. 影响
Van Gogh had a major influence on the development of modern painting.
Her influence made me a better person.
Mr. Smith is a man of influence in this town.
influence n. [U] 影响;作用
What exactly is the influence of television on children?
influence n. [C]有影响力的人(或事物)
His first music teacher was a major influence in his life.
influence, affect这两个词的共同意思是“影响”。其区别是:
1. affect着重指一时的“影响”; 而influence则往往指对行为、性格、观点等较长时间的、潜移默化的“影响”。
2. 表示不良影响时只能用affect, 不能用influence。
What the headmaster said at the meeting _______________________ on her.
【2011 山东威海】
Do you know what you said has great __________ (影响) on me?
had a great / big influence
2. seldom adv. 不常;很少
Lazy people seldom succeed.
He is a gentle man and seldom gets angry.
他是个生性温顺的人, 很少生气。
She seldom arrives home before midnight, does she?
seldom本身带有否定意义, 构成附加疑问句时不用否定词not。
Seldom have I met him recently.
seldom放在句首时,句子的主谓必须部分倒装。类似的词还有never, hardly, scarcely等。
He’s seldom late for school, _______?
A. hasn’t he B. isn’t he
C. has he D. is he
【2013江苏无锡】— Look at the bird over there! It’s so beautiful!
— Wow! It’s a rare crane. It ______ appears in this area.
A. always B. usually
C. seldom D. often
【2013山东菏泽】 —Do you like seeing a movie on your mobile phone?
— No. I ______ do that because it makes me uncomfortable.
A. seldom B. often
C. usually D. Sometimes
3. They were proud of him.
proud adj. 自豪的;骄傲的
It was a proud moment for John when he shook hands with the President.
汤姆与总统握手, 这是一个令其很自豪的时刻。
Jack was proud of his high score in the exam.
We are very proud that a pupil from our school has won the prize.
我们学校的一个小学生得了奖, 我们感到很自豪。
be proud of sb. / sth. 为某人/某事而骄傲(自豪)
My parents are proud of me.
2) be proud to do sth. 为做某事而感到骄傲(自豪)
I am proud to walk up Mount Tai.
(2009·哈尔滨中考) You can find a way to reach your goals when you are proud _______ yourself and stand tall like a sunflower.
  A. on B. from C. of
(2011年安徽) We felt ________ when Liu Xiang won the first prize again in the race.
  A. brave B. proud
C. successful D. worried
pride n. 自豪;骄傲;引以自豪的人或物
My teaching is my pride and joy.
The new car was the pride of the whole family.
She looked with pride at the result of her work.
fill with pride 充满自豪感
have / take pride in 以…自豪
hurt pride 伤害自尊心
put pride in pocket 抑制自尊心, 忍辱
speak with pride 自豪地说

take pride in = be proud of 对…感到自豪/骄傲
— Li Na won the tennis championship in
the French Open on June 4 2011.
— We take pride in her. She is the first
Asian professional tennis player to win it.
A. are interested in
B. are terrified of
C. are proud of
D. are used to
【解析】take pride in的同义短语为be proud of, 意为“以…而感到自豪/骄傲”。
【2013 甘肃白银】B. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空限填一词。

Today I’m ________ of my school and tomorrow my school will take ______ in my success.

His father _______ great _______ in what he has done.
【2013云南昆明】根据句意,用括号中所给词的适 当形式填空。

We are very _______ that a student from our school has won the prize. (pride)
4. Li Wen began to cause problems for himself and his family.
cause v. 造成, 引起
She is always causing trouble for people.
What caused his illness?
cause, make和get都具有“使役”意义。其区别是:
1. cause强调的是什么原因使某人做某事; make则具有强制的意味, 即强迫某人做什么事; get是指以说服或命令之方式让某人做某事。
2.使用cause和get时, 应当用cause / get sb. to do sth. 句型, 而使用make时, 应当用make sb. do sth. 句型。
cause可用于cause sb. sth. (给某人带来……)和
cause sb. to do sth. (使某人做某事)结构中。
His unhealthy diet caused him some illness.
I'm afraid I'm causing you much trouble.
What caused you to do that?
cause还可以用作名词, 意为“原因”, 相当于reason。
Smoking is one of the causes of heart disease.
What was the cause of the accident?
You have no cause to complain.
He brought some trouble to his parents. He _______ some trouble ____ his parents.
What caused her __________ (change) her ideas?
to change
【2011•扬州】— I’m sorry I went out for a smoke. I was very tired.
— There’s no ______ for this while you are at work.
A. cause B. excuse
C. matter D. choice
5. He was absent from classes, ...
absent adj. 缺席;不在
Three members of the class are absent today.
Sometimes he would be absent for a couple of days.
After the party he telephoned his absent friends.
absent from home 不在家
absent from one's native place 背井离乡absent from school 缺课
absent from work 缺勤
absent in one's mind 心不在焉
absent without reason 无故缺席
He was absent from London.
He was absent in London.
No one / Nobody in our class is absent.
6. ... he failed his examinations.
fail v. 失败;未能(做到)
failed his examinations相当于failed to pass his examinations / failed in the examinations
We must hang together, or our plan will fail.
我们必须齐心协力, 否则我们的计划就会失败。
failure n. 失败
fail to do sth. 或 fail (in) sth./doing sth. 意思是“未能做某事,在某方面或做某事遭到失 败”。例如:
I failed to work out / (in) working out the problem.
He never fails to write to his mother every week.
【2011四川绵阳】If you don’t work hard for most of the 
year and then work hard for only a few days before the exam, you will probably_______. 
A. succeed       B. finish      
C. fail        D. pass
7. Teacher advised his parents to talk with their son in person.
advise v. 建议;劝告;忠告
What would you advise?
She advised holding a class meeting.
If you don't feel well, I advise you to stay in bed.
advice n. 劝告;忠告;建议
I advise you ____ before ____ job.
A to wait; deciding to accept
B. to wait; to decide accepting
C. waiting; deciding to accept
D. waiting; to decide accepting
The doctor advised him not to drink.
"Meatless Mondays" advises people ____________ at least one day each week, so we can ___________ in a better way.
not to eat meat
keep healthy
8. to one’s surprise 令某人惊奇的是…
To one’s surprise, he is our teacher’s husband.
让我吃惊的是, 他竟然是我们老师的丈夫。
to one’s surprise通常用作插入语,置于句首,用逗号与后面的句子隔开。
surprise n. 惊讶
surprise v. 使吃惊
surprising adj. 令人吃惊的
surprised adj. 吃惊的
be surprised at 对…感到吃惊
be surprised to do sth 做某事而感到惊讶
be surprised + that从句 因...而惊讶
Sandy didn't tell her parents that she was going home because she wanted to give them a _______.
A. gift B. call
C. surprise D. note
______ his surprise, she succeeded in climbing up the high mountain.
A. At B. To C. In D. On
The news is not so ___________.
We are sure he can get it. (surprise)
2) We are ___________ at the ____________ news. (surprise)
The child’s mouth formed a big “O” _______ .
A. to his surprise B. in surprise
C. by surprise D. at surprise
【点拨】选B。句意:那个孩子惊奇地张着嘴像个大“O”。in surprise“惊奇地”,故选B。
9. even though 即使;纵然;尽管
I’ll go to the concert even though it rains.
He never apologizes even though he knows that he is wrong.
Even though you do not like it, you must do it.
_______ TV has some benefits, _______ sometimes it has a bad influence.
A. Even though;but B. though;but
C. Although;/ D. even if;but
【点拨】选C。though / although / even though / even if均为连词,意为“虽然;尽管;即使”,用来引导让步状语从句。需要特别注意的是:这些连词不能与连词but 同时出现在同一个复合句中。
--- This dress was last year’s style.
--- I think it still looks perfect ____ it has gone out this year.
A. so that B. even though
C. as if D. ever since
Mrs. Shute wouldn’t leave the TV set, ____ her children were waiting for their supper.
A. if B. because
C. even though D. as soon as
10. pay attention to 对……注意, 留心
这里to是介词, 后面可以接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。
I have tried to make my mother pay more attention to me.
You should pay attention to spelling this word.
【2007泰州市】 Students should pay attention to ________ the teacher in class.
A. hear B. listen to
C. listening to D. hearing of
pay attention to与notice都作“注意”解,但notice 指无意注意,且强调结果,而pay attention 则是指有意识地去注意谋事物,不强调结果。
I didn’t notice the man passing me.
Have you noticed that she wore a beautiful skirt today?
Pay attention to what he will say.
You should pay attention to your spelling.
根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。 1. He used to _______ _______ ______
_______ (惹许多麻烦).
2. Li Wen a __________ (15岁的) boy.
3. He was _______ ______ (缺席) the meeting.
4. I have to do some thinking before _______
___________ (作决定).
cause lots of
absent from
a decision
按要求完成下列句子, 每空一个词组。  1. 使他吃惊的是, 这个电话改变了他的生活。
_______________, this phone call changed his life.
2. 他的父亲不再与他们在一起了。
His father was _________ with them.
To his surprise
no longer
3. 他总是以我做过的每件好事为荣耀。
He would always ________________ everything good I did.
4. 我已经尽力让妈妈更多地注意我。
I have tried to make my mother      ___________________ me.
take pride in
pay more attention to
Write a passage in about 100 words with the help of the following points about Zhanghua’s life change. The first sentence has been given.
Zhuanghua's life has changed a lot in the last few years.
One possible version:
Zhuanghua's life has changed a lot in the last
few years. In the past, he used to have much
time to play after school. He spent a lot of time
playing games with his friends. When he
finished his homework, he often watched TV
or chatted with his grandma. On Saturday, he
often went to concerts with his father.
But now his school life has changed a lot. He
is very busy every day. He has to get up
early and stays in school all day. Because he
has to study hard. He hasn’t any more time
to play games with his friends. He has to do
his homework and goes to bed late every
night. He hardly has any time for concerts.
He misses the old days very much.
张各庄(Zhang Ge Zhuang) 远离其他村庄。过去儿童上学困难;1988年成立本村小学(primary school)。
3、 学费:免费
One possible version:
Zhang Ge Zhuang Primary School Until 1988 Zhang Ge Zhuang had no school of its own. It was pretty hard for the children of the village because they had to go to school in other villages which were all far away.
Now Zhang Ge Zhuang Primary School has three teachers and they teach 48 pupils. The teachers had finished middle school education before they returned to teach here.
The pupils are divided into five different classes. Six subjects are taught. They are Chinese, maths, science, music, drawing and physical education.
Education is free for all children in the village.