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首页>人教版初中英语九年级全一册>Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.
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    人教版初中英语九年级全一册 - Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.

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  • 时间:  2015-10

Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B-1

Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B-1Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B-1Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark Section B-1
Unit 4
Section B
Period 1 ( 1a— 1e )
Enjoy a song Days of My Past.
Talk about the pictures using used to and now.
Talk about the pictures using used to and now.
Talk about the pictures using used to and now.
P.E. class
Did you use to like this when you were a
painting pictures
Did you use to like this when you were a
music class
Did you use to like this when you were a
Did you use to like this when you were a
What other things did you use to like to do when you were a child? Write and then discuss them with a partner.
I used to play football.
I used to eat candy a lot.
I used to live with my grandmother.
I used to chew gum a lot.
I used to raise a big dog.
I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends.
1c Listen and check the sentences you hear.

1d Listen again. What do the girl and the boy say about things in the past and now? Fill in the chart.
take the bus
You are in Grade 9 now. Is your life quite different from before?
Free Talk
What did your parents use to do
when they were children? How is it different from what you do?
Free Talk
all the time 一直;总是
I've kept on thinking about that all the
I have a dog and a cat, but they fight all the time.
我养了一只猫和一只狗, 但它们老是打架。
Our life is changing all the time.
Language points
He _______ gets up early every morning.
A. all the time B. all time
C. always D. never
【点拨】选C。all the time 意为“一直;总是”,在句中作状语,多用于句末。
辨析:at times / at all times / all the time
Ⅰ. at times 不时; 偶尔
I make mistakes at times when I speak English.
Ⅱ. at all times 随时; 任何时候; 总是
He has a cool head at all times.
Ⅲ. all the time 一直; 始终 (time用单数形式)
The baby cries all the time.
It’s rather cold in most of South China ______ in spring.
A. on time B. at a time
C. at times D. all the time
on time按时, at a time一次, at times有时, all the times 总是。
A: I used to be nervous about tests all
the time. Did you?
B: Yes, I did. And I used to ...
Compare yourself with your partner.
A: I used to …
B: Yes, I did. And I …
Compare yourself with your partner.
A: I used to …
B: Yes, I did. And I …
Compare yourself with your partner.
Ⅰ. 单项选择
1. Some parents just ask their children to study _______.
A. all time B. the all time
C. all the same D. all the time
2. Please tell me what you _______ when you were a child.
A. used to like B. used to liking
C. used to liked D. used like
3. He used to _______ the school soccer team.
A. be B. be on C. was on D. on
4. I don’t worry _______ tests anymore after working hard.
A. with B. about C. at D. in
5. It’s not good to chew gum _______ .
A. a lot of B. lots of
C. a lot D. lot
Ⅱ. 完成句子
1. 她喜爱美术课,因为她喜欢画画。
She _______ art class because she likes
_______ pictures.
2. 我小时候每天放学后都和朋友一起玩耍。
I used to _______ _______ friends every day
after school.
play with
3. 过去这儿冬天常常下雪。
It _______ _______ _______ here in winter.
4. 他在担心明天的工作面试。
He is _______ _______ the job interview of
5. 当你是孩子时,常常做些什么?
What _______ you _______ _______ do
when you were a child?
used to snow
worrying about
use to
He doesn’t like speaking English because he _______________ (害怕) making mistakes.
2. If you can’t __________ (入睡) at night, you can listen to some light music.
3. Most boys _______________ (对……感兴趣) watching football games.
4. There is a red car __________ (在……的前边) the house.
is afraid of
go to sleep
are interested in
in front of
My brother is used to ______ (take) a walk after supper.
2. He is always ________ (friend) to people around him.
3. Please remember ________ (bring) your ID card to the party.
4. How about _______ (fly) kites in the park?
to bring
根据句意, 用used to 或be used to完成句子。
I ________ get up late, but I get up early now.
2. The boy is hard-working and he _________ doing his homework late at night.
3. There _______ be a garden next to the building. Now there is a new library.
4. Though he just started the new job, I’m sure that he’ll ___________ it soon.
used to
is used to
used to
be used to
5. She ______ live with her parents, but      now she __________ living with her      classmates at school.
6. These robots in the factory _________ do
dangerous work instead of man.
used to
is used to
are used to
She _____ ______ _____ black clothes.
2. 我昨天晚上开着收音机睡着了。
I fell asleep last night with _____      ______ _____.
3. 他过去喜欢晚上工作, 不是吗?
He used to enjoy working at night,      _____ ______?
used to wear
the radio on
didn’t he
4. 你过去经常和朋友去河里游泳吗?
____ you ____ _____ swim in the river with your friends?
5. 他擅长打篮球,并且是校篮球队的一员。
He is good at _________ _________, and he is
_____ ______ ______ _____________ _____.
Did use to
playing basketball
on the school basketball team
He is scared of big dogs. He ____ _______ _____ big dogs.
2. I have joined the school sports team. I _____ _____ the school sports team.
3. He doesn’t know how he can get to the train station.
He doesn’t know _____ ______ ______ to the train station.
is afraid of
am on
how to get
4. My brother will eat no more candies.      My brother _____ eat candies ____ _____.
5. I spent twenty dollars on this pair of      shoes.
I _____ twenty dollars _____ this pair      of shoes.
6. He often played football with his friends in the past.
He ______ _______ play football with      his friends.
won’t any more
paid for
used to