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    人教版初中英语七年级下册 - Unit 2 What time do you go to school?

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七年级英语What time do you go to school单元测试题

Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 附参考答案
Ⅰ.Match the word or phrase with the proper Chinese meaning.
1.go to school A.在早晨
2.take a shower B.做作业
3.brush one’s teeth C.起床
4.in the morning D.刷牙
5.do one’s homework E.去上班
6.listen to F.去上学
7.get to G.听……
8.get up H.到达
9.at night I.洗澡
10.go to work J.在夜里
答案:1.F 2.I 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.G 7.H 8.C 9.J 10.E
Ⅱ.Complete the sentence with do,don’t,does or doesn’t.(用do,don’t,does,doesn’t完成句子。)
1.— your brother like comedies?
—Yes,he .
2.— she often watch morning news?
—No,she .
3.— you sleep late(晚)on weekends?
—Yes,I .
4.— the students love the music?
—No,they .
5.—What club you want to join?
—A basketball club.
6.I not like thrillers because they are scary.
答案:1.Does,does 2.Does,doesn’t 3.Do,do 4.Do,don’t 5.do 6.do
●Exercises for new words
Ⅰ.Complete the sentence with the proper word in the box.(用方框内适当的单词完成句子。)
usually hour tooth get to write Saturday job listen
1.The old man to the radio every evening.
2.I go to school at 8 o’clock in the morning.
3.My brother find a new in the city.Now he works in a factory(工厂).
4.You should(应当)brush your before breakfast.
5.We often work eight a day.
6.He school at 8:30 a.m.and school starts at 9:00 o’clock.
7.The last day of a week is .
8.Jim is my friend.He is American.We often to each other.
答案:1.listens 2.usually 3.job 4.teeth 5.hours 6.gets to 7.Saturday 8.write
●Exercises for phrases
Ⅱ.Look at the picture and write down the activity.(看图画,写出活动名称。)

1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.
答案:1.get up 2.take/have a shower 3.brush the teeth 4.eat breakfast 5.go to school 
6.do his homework
2.do morning exercise
4.read newspapers
6.do some cleaning
8.in the evening
答案:1.write a letter 2.做早操 3.play chess 4.看报纸 5.listen to the radio 6.做清洁 7.go home 8.在晚上
●Exercises for sentence structure
Ⅳ.Unscramble the question.(整理问句。)
1.get at up your six does mother thirty?
2.you time go do bed what to?
3.take morning a shower do in you the?
4.eat 12:00 friend at does lunch your?
答案:1.Does your mother get up at six thirty?
2.What time do you go to bed?
3.Do you take a shower in the morning?
4.Does your friend eat lunch at 12:00?
5.What time does she usually get up?
Ⅴ.Rewrite the sentence according to the requirment.(根据要求改写句子。)
1.He has breakfast at six-thirty every day.(改为一般疑问句)

2.the,bus,hotel,takes,he,the number 7,to(连词成句)

3.Tom does his homework every day.(改为否定句)
4.The little boy goes to bed at ten.(就画线部分提问)
5.They work in a school.(就画线部分提问)
they ?
答案:1.Does he have breakfast at six-thirty every day?含有行为动词的句子变一般疑问句时,首先找准助动词。该句子是一般现在时,主语为第三人称单数,所以用助动词does。注意要把has还原为动词原形have。
2.He takes the number 7 bus to the hotel.首先找到主语he,然后组成词组takes the number 7 bus。
3.Tom doesn’t do his homework every day含有行为动词的句子变为否定句时,加助动词和not,助动词后边的动词用原形。注意不要丢了实义动词do。
4.What time does the little boy go to bed 对于具体的时间提问用what time,将at ten替换为what time,置于句首,然后将其他部分变为一般疑问句。
5.Where do,work 对地点提问用where,将in a school替换为where,置于句首,然后将其他部分变为一般疑问句。
●Exercises for function items
Ⅵ.Number the sentence to make a conversation.(重新排序,组成对话。)
1.May I have a look?
2.So early!I like to sleep a little longer.By the way,what time do you go to bed?
3.Morning!Are you the first to get to school?
4.But that’s early,too.I go to bed at eleven o’clock.
5.I made a study schedule.
6.What time do you usually get up?
7.You should not go to bed so late.
8.Sure.Here you are.
9.Yes.I’m always the first because I get up very early.
10.At around six.
11.At nine thirty.
12.You are right.It’s bad for our health(健康).
●Exercises for grammar
Ⅶ.Complete the sentence with the proper word in the box.
play watch eat go see take fly
1.He gets up at 5:30 and to school at 6:15 every day.
2.Every morning Dad Morning News on TV.
3.Jerry’s uncle often tennis with him after work.
4.What time Bob breakfast?
5.Oh,it’s 7:30.Please a bus to work.
6.Scott usually kites in the afternoon.
7.What a funny time a comedy!
答案:1.goes 2.watches 3.plays 4.does,eat 5.take 6.flies 7.to see
Ⅷ.Circle the right word to complete the sentence.(圈出正确的单词,完成句子。)
1.We begin classes (at,on)8:00.
2.What time does she get (up,to)school?
3.Her mother usually gets up at (about,after)six thirty.
4.We often play tennis (after,in)school.
5.We’re always busy (in,at)the morning.
6.People love to listen (to,between)the music.
7.Selina always(has,eat)lunch at home.
答案:1.at 2.to 3.about 4.after 5.in 6.to 7.has
Come here,please
Teacher:John,if you want a person to come here,what can you say?
John:Come here,please.
Teacher:Very good.If you want a person to go out,what can you say?
John:First I go out,and then I can say,“Come here,please.”
●Elementary exercises
Ⅰ.Complete the sentence according to the picture.(根据图片完成句子。)

1.Mr.Zhang usually at seven twenty.
2.He usually goes to work at .
3.He usually begins his class at .
4.He often at 4:15 in the afternoon.
5.He usually at ten o’clock.
答案:1.eats breakfast 2.seven forty-five/a quarter to eight 3.nine ten/ten past nine 4.plays ping-pong 5.takes a shower
Ⅱ.Complete the sentence with at,in or on.(用at,in 或on完成句子。)
1.Mike goes to school seven o’clock the morning.
2.Mr.and Mrs.Jackson don’t go to work Sundays.
3.Bob often listens to music 6:00 p.m.
4.Jim’s birthday is April 18th.
5.My mother usually does housework the evening.
答案:1.at,in 在表示点时间的词前面用介词at;in the morning是固定词组。
2.on 在表示星期的名词前面用介词on。
4.on 在具体日期前面用介词on。
5.in in the evening意为“在晚上”。
●Integrated exercises
Ⅲ.Multiple choice(单项填空)
1.Jim,don’t talk Bill and listen me,please.
答案:C talk to sb.意为“和某人谈话”,listen to“听”,都是固定结构。
2.Thanks for me the good news.
A.to tell
答案:C thanks for后接名词或动词的-ing形式。故C为正确答案。
3.What time does June after school?
A.do her homework
B.does her homework
C.do her homeworks
D.does her homeworks
答案:A 句中does为助动词,其后要接动词原形,B、D两项被排除;homework为不可数名词,没有复数形式。故A为正确答案。
4.—What time is it?
— .
A.Is about four thirty
B.It’s about four half
C.About thirty past four
D.It’s about half past four
答案:D 从回答时间的要求看,答语中B是用完整的回答,即it’s+时间。A是把it省略直接答出时间。故A项不符合要求。再从时间的正确表达方式来看,B、C两项又不符合表达要求,故D为正确答案。
Ⅳ.Rewrite the sentence according to the rquirment.(根据要求改写句子。)
1.2010山东模拟 You can’t be late for class any more.(改为祈使句)
late for class any more.
2.2010山东济南模拟 Allan goes to the library every Monday.(改为一般疑问句)
Allan to the library every Monday?
3.2010山东临沂模拟 Jim usually gets up at six in the morning.(对画线部分提问)
Jim usually up in the morning?
答案:1.Don’t be 祈使句以动词原形开头,否定的祈使句为:Don’t +动词原形+…,因为这句话的动词是be。故答案为Don’t be。
2.Does,go 这是一般现在时的一般疑问句,主语为第三人称单数。所以在句首加does,把后面的goes要还原成go。
3.What time does,get 对时间提问要用What time,然后加does,注意要把gets改为get。
long before 和before long
long 在前(long before),“很久前”,long在后(before long),“不久后”。