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    人教版高中英语必修1 - Unit 5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero

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必修1 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero优质课ppt课件免费下载必修1 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero优质课ppt课件免费下载
Unit 5 Nelson Mandela
—A Modern Hero
Try to guess the meanings of the adjectives below
Lin Hao
Fan Meizhong
林浩 (救灾小英雄)
范美忠(全国人民“尊”称他为“范跑跑”) 毕业于北京大学历史系,曾任都江堰光亚学校教师。范美忠在地震发生时弃学生于不顾第一个逃出教室,所幸学生安然无事。事后他“洋洋自得”地在天涯论坛上发表了一篇《那一刻地动山摇》的帖子,而且在文章最后表白:“在这种生死抉择的瞬间,只有为了我的女儿我才可能考虑牺牲自我,其他的人,哪怕是我的母亲,在这种情况下我也不会管的。” 此文一出,引来大部分网友谴责,骂他是地震中“最无耻教师”,并讥讽他为“范跑跑”。学校校长卿光亚承受着外界巨大压力,最终开除“范跑跑” 。
What kind
person are they?
Are they great persons
Are these famous people also great people?
Read the information about these 6 men on page 33.
2. Discuss if they were/are great men.
Give reasons.
You can use these expressions
I think that… 我认为…
In my opinion … 我认为…
To my understanding… 据我理解的…
I feel that… 我觉得…
A famous priest(牧师) and scholar(学者) in Britain; He died for his ideas but his work is still published all over the world. Today, 80% of Bible in the world is the work of William Tyndale.
William Tyndale
A Canadian doctor.
He fought against the German Nazis and Japanese invaders during World War II. He worked as a doctor selflessly in China and saved many Chinese soldiers.
Norman Bethune
Bethune in China
“Father of the Nation” (国父) He strongly believed in the three principles: nationalism(民族);
people’s rights(民权);
people’s livelihood(民生).

Sun Yat-sen
He gave up a rich life for his ideas and fought for his country to be free from the UK in a peaceful way.
他的精神思想不仅带领印度脱离英国的殖民统治迈向独立,而且影响了全世界民族主义者 和 和平变革国际运动。1948年,他在德里被印度教极右分子开枪暗杀。
Mahatma Gandhi
An American astronaut;
The first person to walk on the moon;
Quote from him :“That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” (“对于一个人来说,这只是一小步,但对全人类来说,却是一次巨大的飞跃。”)

Neil Armstrong
He fought for the black people and was in prison for thirty years. He helped the black people to get the same rights as white people.
Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela was the first black to be elected as President in South Africa on April 26, 1994.
Since then, South African’s all races are citizens.
Most of the great people are also famous people, but famous people may not also be great people.
A great people is someone who devotes his/her life to helping others.
Has a great idea
always helps others
Devotes themselves to achieve their goals
A great person
Do you always do your own home work?
Do you get on well with your classmates?
Are you willing to do public service work without pay?
What kind of person are you?
Are you active in school activities?
Do you often help old people or little children
when they need help?
Do you easily lose heart when you are in trouble?
Do you think you are a great person?
You have a chance to be a great person!
Always do your own work
Often help old people or little children when they need help
Never lose heart when you are in trouble
Get on well with your classmates
Volunteer to do public service work without pay
Active in school activities
Finish the gap filling and reading in
Quanpin Xue Lian Kao .

II. Preview Elias’ Story.

III. Divide Elias’ Story into 2 parts.