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    人教版高中英语必修4 - 3.A taste of English humour

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免费下载必修4 Unit3.A taste of English humour课件ppt免费下载必修4 Unit3.A taste of English humour课件ppt免费下载必修4 Unit3.A taste of English humour课件ppt免费下载必修4 Unit3.A taste of English humour课件ppt免费下载必修4 Unit3.A taste of English humour课件ppt
◎ 佳作选登
[话题] 参加主题为“Water for life”的交流活动;发言
[体裁] 发言稿
Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning. I’m Li Hua from Fujian,China. It’s my great honor to be here to say something about the global water shortage and ways of dealing with it.
As we know,the global water shortage is becoming increasingly severe mainly due to global warming,environmental pollution and the ever—increasing population. Therefore,it’s high time we did something about it.
Firstly,an effective way,I think,is to reserve water in a scientific way for future use. Secondly,new methods need to be developed to use the existing water resources,for example,turning sea water into fresh water.
Thirdly,we must stop water pollution by law.Last but not least,it’s everyone’s responsibility to make good use of water;such as recycling and saving water in our daily life.
In conclusion,people around the world should be aware of the real situation of water shortage,protect the present water resources and explore potential ones scientifically.
That’s all. Thank you.
◎ 经典例句
1.the global water shortage全球水源短缺
2.reserve water in a scientific way用科学的方式储存水
3.make good use of...充分利用
4.in conclusion总之
5.be aware of...意识到……;知晓……
1.As we know,the global water shortage is becoming increasingly severe mainly due to global warming.
(变式)⇒As is known to us,it is mainly due to global warming that the global water shortage is becoming worse and worse.
2.Therefore,it’s high time we did something about it.
(变式)⇒Therefore,it is high time that we should take measures to deal with it.
Unit 3 A taste of English humour 感受英语的幽默
1. (adj.)        满足的;满意的
 (n.)      满足
2. (adj.)      幸运的;吉利的
3. (vt.& vi.)      战胜;克服
4. (adj.)     突出的;杰出的;显著的
5. (n.)      姿态;手势
 (vi.)      做手势
6. (adj.)      特殊的;特别的
(n.)      细节;细目
7. (n.)      时刻;场合
8. (vt.& vi.)      (使)滑动;(使)滑行
 (n.)      滑;滑动;幻灯片
9. (n.)      耳语;低语
 (vt.& vi.)      低语;小声说
10. (n.)      脏或乱的状态
11. (n.)幽默;滑稽→humourous(adj.)滑稽的;幽默的
12. (n.)表演者;演出者→perform(v.)执行;表演→performance(n.)执行;演出
13. (vt.& vi.)使欢乐;款待→entertainment(n.)娱乐→entertaining(adj.)愉快的;有趣的
14. (vt.)使信服→convincing(adj.)令人信服的→convinced(adj.)坚信不移的
15. (vt.& vi.)导演;指示;指挥;(adj.)直的;直接的;直率的→director(n.)导演→direction(n.)指导→directly(adv.& conj.)直接地;径直的;一……就……
16. (vt.)使发笑;使愉快→amusing(adj.)好笑的;有趣的→amused(adj.)愉快的→amusement(n.)消遣;娱乐(活动)
1.       直到现在
2.       对……满足
3.       穷的;缺少的
4.       挑出;辨别出
5.       切断;断绝
6.       好像
7.       担任主角;主演
8.       对……挑剔
up to now
feel/be content with
badly off
pick out
cut off
as if/as though
star in
be particular about
You may (发现……很惊奇) Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk.
Unfortunately his father died, (使得家境更加艰难),so Charlie spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother.
3.as if/as though的用法
Charlie first picks out the laces and eats them (好像它们是) spaghetti.
Leaving the family
even worse off
As if
they were
The acting is (如此有说服力以至于) it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted!
5.as “随着”,引导时间状语从句
(随着时间的推移),he began making films.
1.Up to now nobody able to do this better than Charlie Chaplin.
A.is      B.was
C.has been      D.are
答案: C
2.He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed,so they could feel more their lives.
A.worried about      B.content with
C.convinced of      D.curious about
答案: B
3.Like so many others,the little tramp and his friend have rushed there gold.
A.in search of      B.in favor of
C.in terms of      D.in case of
答案: A
4.Charlie Chaplin wrote, and produced the films he starred in.
A.directing      B.direct
C.directed      D.having directed
答案: C
content adj.满足的,满意的;n.内容,目录,容量;满足;vt.使满足
教材原句P18:He made people laugh at a time when they felt depressed,so they could feel more content with their lives.
①To be honest,I’m very content with my life at present.
②That rich man is tired of city life,so he is content to live in the country.那位富人厌倦了城市生活,于是他愿意生活在乡下。
③We should never content ourselves with book knowledge only.
④She dropped her purse and the contents fell out on the floor.
astonish vt.使惊诧
①It astonished me that he could be so thoughtless.
②We are all astonished to hear that Huangsheng abused his power and was put into prison
③China is developing at an astonishing speed,and will soon be one of the most powerful countries in the world.中国以令人惊讶的速度发展,不久将成为世界上最强大国家之一。
④To our great astonishment,the boss wasn’t astonished at the astonishing news at all.使我们非常吃惊的是,老板对这个令人吃惊的消息一点也不吃惊。
direct vt.& vi.导演;指挥;指示;adj.径直的;直接的;直率的;adv.直接地
教材原句P18:Charlie Chaplin wrote,directed and produced the films he starred in.
①The old man is willing to stand on the bend and directs the traffic.这位老人乐意站在转弯处指挥交通。
②I like to make friends with anyone who is open and direct.
③It’s only a small improvement but at least it’s a step in the right direction.虽然这只是一个小小的改进,但至少是朝着正确的方向迈出的一步。
④Directly the teacher came in everyone was quiet.
particular adj.特殊的;特别的;挑剔的;n.细节;细目
教材原句P20:Children particularly would burst into laughter at his behavior.孩子们尤其对他的表演报之以大笑。

be particular about/over sth.对……讲究,挑剔
in particular尤其,特别,格外
particularly adv.尤其,特别
①I have nothing particular to do this evening,so let’s go out for a walk.今晚我没有什么特别的事要做,咱们出去散散步吧!
②He is very particular about food while he doesn’t care about money.他对吃的东西特别挑剔,而不在乎金钱。
③Text messages are very popular in recent years,particularly among young people.近年来手机短信大受欢迎,尤其在年轻人当中。
whisper vi.& vt.低语,小声说;把(秘密等)悄悄传开;n.耳语,低语
whisper to sb.与某人耳语
in a whisper=in whispers=in a low voice耳语地,低声地
It is/was whispered that...据秘密传闻……
①She leaned over and whispered something in his ear.
②It was whispered that he would soon die and he did.
③They sat at the back of the room,talking in whispers.
convince vt.使信服;使相信
教材原句P18:The acting is so convincing that it makes you believe that it is one of the best meals he has ever tasted!令人心悦诚服的表演使你相信这是他吃过的最可口的饭菜了!
①You need to convince your interviewer of your ability to master the work.你需要让你的面试官相信你有驾驭这份工作的能力。
②His mother has been trying to convince him to see a doctor.
③Scientists are convinced the positive effect of laughter on physical and mental health.
④There is now convincing evidence that smoking causes lung cancer.现有令人信服的证据说吸烟能导致肺癌。
1.(2011·江西卷)She has already tried her best.Please don’t be too about her job.
A.special         B.responsible
C.unusual      D.particular
解析: 句意为:她已经尽最大努力了,请不要对她的工作太挑剔了。本题考查形容词辨析。be particular about为固定搭配,意为:对……很挑剔。special特别的,特殊的,专门的,专用的;responsible有责任的,负责的;unusual不寻常的,罕见的。
答案: D
2.Drivers who park their cars illegally, blocking traffic flow,should be punished.
A.unfortunately    B.carelessly
C.unluckily      D.particularly
解析: 考查副词词义辨析。句意为:非法停车,尤其是阻碍交通的司机应当受到惩罚。unfortunately不幸地;carelessly粗心地;unluckily不幸地与unfortunately意思相同;particularly尤其,特别,符合题意。
答案: D
3.Scientists are convinced the positive effect of laughter physical and mental health.
A.of;at      B.by;in
C.of;on      D.on;at
解析: 句意为:科学家们坚信笑对身心健康有积极影响。be convinced of坚信,深信,确信;effect常与on连用,意为“对……的影响”。以上两个均属于固定搭配,故选C。
答案: C
4.When I was in hospital,my mother made a promise that she would take me to Qingdao I was well enough to travel,which my recovery.
A.direct;contributed to     
B.directly;contributed to
C.directly;attributed to     
D.direct;attributed to
解析: directly作连词,表示“一……就……”,direct没有此用法;contribute to有助于……。句意为:在我住院的时候,妈妈向我承诺一旦我恢复到可以出行了,就带我去青岛,这有助于我的康复。
答案: B
5.Nowadays young people are not just to read good articles;they hope to write their own blogs on the Internet.
A.content      B.generous
C.confident      D.outstanding
解析: 根据“他们希望在网上自己写博客”可知,“现在的年轻人已经不满足于读好文章了”。句中使用的是be content to do sth.这一搭配,表示“满足于做某事”。
答案: A
(1)We felt (astonish) to hear the news that Wang Li failed in the competition.
答案: astonished
(2)There is no (convince) evidence that smoking will cause lung cancer.
答案: convincing
Those (满足于现状的人) will surely make no more advance in life.
答案: who are content with their present situations
badly off穷的;缺少的
①The school is rather badly off for books and equipment.
②I went to her home and found her living condition was worse off than mine.我去她家一看,发现她的生活状况比我的更差。
③If he had worked harder when young,he would be well off now.如果他年轻时多努力一点,现在就能过得舒服些。
④To make matters worse/What’s worse,it began to rain while we were marching.使事情更糟的是,在我们行进过程中,天下起了雨。
pick out挑出;辨别出
教材原句P18:Charlie first picks out the laces and eats them as if they were spaghetti.
①It took Mary a long time to pick out a new dress at the store.
②A competition was held to pick out the best table tennis players.为选拔出最好的乒乓球选手
