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必修4 Unit1.Women of achievement复习优质课ppt课件免费下载

必修4 Unit1.Women of achievement复习优质课ppt课件免费下载必修4 Unit1.Women of achievement复习优质课ppt课件免费下载
Unit 1
Women of achievement
A Chinese saying goes:
Women can hold up half of the sky.
Guessing Game
I will describe some people to you, please guess who they are according to my description.
She was the only female monarch(君主) of China, and remains the most remarkable(非凡的), influential(有影响的) and mysterious(神秘的) woman in Chinese history.
Empress(女皇) Wu Zetian (624 - 705)
in Tang Dynasty
She was Dr Sun Yat-sen’s wife. She was one of the top leaders in modern Chinese history. She concerned herself with welfare projects, leading China Welfare Institute especially for women and children.
Song Chingling
(1893-1981), China
She was an inventor and a scientist from Poland.
She went to Paris and studied physics and chemistry there.
She is the only woman scientist who was awarded two Nobel Prizes.
Marie Curie (1867-1934)
On July 4,1934, she died in Paris, killed by her own experiments.
She died of radiation poisoning(放射物中毒).
vt.& n.尊敬;尊重;敬意
4.argue vt.& vi.讨论;辩论;争论
5.inspire vt.鼓舞;激发;启示;感动
n.& vt.支持;拥护
7.intend vt.计划;打算
9.considerate adj.考虑周到的
11.deliver vt.递送,接生,发表
12.observe vt.观察,观测,遵守,庆祝
13.organization n.组织,机构,团体
14.refer vi. 谈到,查阅,参考
15.specialist n.专家,专业工作者
1) Environmental s     report that Songhua River is too seriously polluted .
1. 重点单词拼写
2) Lin Qiaozhi d     all her life to the medical research and the care for patients.
3) Your     is well written except for a few spelling mistakes.
4) Madame Curie encouraged X-ray to be used in m    treatment.
5) This kind of plants only grows in favorable c    .
6) Mother Teresa won our great r     for her charity activities.
7) Mark made a hearty apology to her biology teacher for his bad b
    in class.
8) Teachers should combine education with e     ,which allows students to learn in a relaxing atmosphere.
9) All of the students were deeply s     by the courage that Rosa Parks showed in fighting for the equality between the white and black.
10) Taking his age into c    the child has done enough to support his family.
1) He     his ambition to hold a concert in the hall last week at last, and two days later he celebrated the      of his aims with his family and his friends at home. (achieve)
【答案】achieved, achievement
2. 重点词词形变换
2) The            the people present at the meeting into four groups, and Jack was involved in the   of the meeting. (organize)
【答案】organizers, organized, organization
3) The old scientist has     his life to medical work and is    to his children. His     deeply moved all of us. (devote)
【答案】devoted, devoted, devotion
4) He     the reason for the phenomenon in detail but we were still a bit puzzled over his     .(explain)
【答案】explained, explanation
5) The speech was really     . It     all the students to study hard for the country. (inspire)
【答案】inspiring, inspired
6) All of you should     the experiment carefully and then I will ask you some questions to test your    . The most careful    will win a prize. (observe)
【答案】observe, observation, observer
7) The lawyers     the case and reached an agreement without much further     . (argue)
【答案】argued, argument
8) He      the world’s ancient history. In other words, he is a
    in the world’s ancient history. Next week, he will make a speech     for us. (special)
【答案】specializes, specialist, specially
get/ win the Nobel Peace Prize    获得诺贝尔和平奖
the connections between A and B   A和B之间的联系
as many countries as possible     尽可能多的国家
dress up              化妆打扮;修饰;掩饰
drive the English out of France    把英国人赶出法国
be put to death          被处死,被杀死
devote ones life to sth.       (一生) 致力于……,献身于……              
wake up             醒来;唤醒;使……警觉/注意
leave sb. sleeping in a tree      使某人睡在树上
be determined to do sth.      (下定)决心干某事
work out their social system     弄明白他们的社会体系
a doctor’s degree (for sth)     博士学位
1. 短语积累
look down upon        蔑视;瞧不起
be made up of          由……组成
care for            护理;照料;喜爱;愿意
be intended for          为……设计/计划
be placed second to...       比…… 次要
deliver a baby         接生
carry on (with)sth.       继续
2. 从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中
1) Who will    him if his wife dies?
【答案】care for
2) Don’t bother to     ;come as you are.
【答案】dress up
3) She    people who’ve never been to university.
【答案】looks down upon
4) A cold shower will soon    you     .
【答案】wake up
5) This is a programme    children.
【答案】intended for
1. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she
allowed to begin her project.(P2)
这是个倒装句。正常语序是: She was allowed to begin her project only
after her mother came to help her for the first few months.
Only + 状语(从句)置于句首,主句要用部分倒装的语序。
Only then did I realize my mistake.
Only when Jack returned did I learn about the truth.
【答案】You can solve the problem only by this means.
Only by this means can you solve the problem.
1) 只有用这种方法你才能解决问题。
2. It seemed that Lin Qiaozhi had been very busy in her chosen career
traveling abroad to study and writing books and articles.(P6)
It seems that clause 是个常用句型, 意为:“……似乎……” “……好
像……”。它可转换为“ 主语 + seems + to do sth”句型。
It seems that they are talking about something important over there.
→They seems to be talking about something important over there.
1) Tom似乎知道这件事情。
【答案】It seems that Tom knows this thing.
Tom seems to know this thing.
2) 他似乎看过这部电影。
【答案】It seems that he has seen the film.
He seems to have seen the film.
Hans is (1)__________________ ( 有成就的人) .He (2)___

__________________( 将他一生都奉献给) homeless children and

his behavior (3)___________________ ( 赢 得 所 有 人 的 尊 重 ) .

Recently, Hans was asked to (4)_______________ ( 做 演 讲 ) on the

graduation in Harvard University. He said, “(5) __________( 照 顾 )

children is an ordinary job, but I don't (6) __________________( 看不

起;轻视) ordinary jobs. Once you begin to do something, you must
keep on with it, otherwise you will never achieve anything. Only
a man of achievement
devoted all his life to
has won respect of all
deliver a speech
Caring for
look down upon/on
you are sixty and looking back on your life will you realize
whether you have done your best. And only when you can say you

have tried your best will you (7) ______________(对……感到满足)

your life.”
be content with
Homework review what you have learnt in this class!