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    人教版小学英语三年级上册 - Unit 4 We love animals

  • 格式:  PPT
  • 大小:  1.31M    17张
  • 时间:  2016-04

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Let’s sing
Unit 4 We love animals
Part A Let’s learn
A: What’s this?
B: It’s a…
What’s this?
It’s a cat.
It’s fat.胖
Look at the cat.
It is fat.
It is
What’s this?
It’s a pig.
It’s big.大
Look at the pig.
It is big.
It is
Look at the dog.
It’s on the log.
The log is long.
The log is long.
The leg is long.
Look at the duck.
It’s in the truck.
Play a game玩游戏
Can you make a bird?
Make a cat
Make a duck
Make a pig
Make a bear
Make a dog