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首页>人教版小学英语三年级上册>Unit 6 Happy birthday!
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    人教版小学英语三年级上册 - Unit 6 Happy birthday!

  • 格式:  PPT
  • 大小:  920K    12张
  • 时间:  2016-04

《happy birthday第五课时》PPT教学自制课件(三年级PEP英语上册)

《happy birthday第五课时》PPT教学自制课件(三年级PEP英语上册)
Let's chant
Let's talk
This one, please.
How many plates?
Jump up high!
It’s so fun!
This is my brother.
Happy birthday!
How old are you?
I’m six years old.
Read one by one
Enjoy the song
Ten little candles
In this song,which numbers can you hear?

Let's learn
Why do Chinese people like these numbers?

Lucky number
Six and eight are two lucky numbers in China.
Seven is also a lucky number in Canada.
Look and say
Let's do
Find and say
1.Listen to and repeat “Let’s
learn” and “ Let’s do”.
2.Copy the words.