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    人教版小学英语四年级下册 - Unit 6 Shopping

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  • 时间:  2016-04

人教版四年级下册PEP英语《unit6 Shopping》PPT课件免费下载

人教版四年级下册PEP英语《unit6 Shopping》PPT课件免费下载
Unit 6 Shopping

A Let's talk

1.通过学生最喜欢的即将到来的六一儿童节入手,引出本课的主要任务: A fashion show for girls .Sarah a dress and a pair of shoes. John wants a pair of shoes.使下面的活动都在这一情境下进行,这样设计具有真实性和整体性。Make a dialogue about Sarah's dress.
2.导入把课前准备的new shoes 现场出示,学生非常吃惊,请一女生替Sarah试鞋自然引出Are they all right?学生一下子就理解的此句的意思,找不同的学生试穿鞋子,引出答语。
3.从Jone's mother带John去买鞋,进入文本。学生通过三次观看视频回答问题,对文本内容有了不同层次的理解,系统了本节课的语言知识,为下面的语言输出奠定了良好的基础.
4.模仿秀、Group work,let's play等活动能迎合学生兴趣,能吸引他们主动参与到课堂中去,并能体现学生从未知到已知的学习过程,让学生有机会运用已学到的语言材料,突出语言的实践性和交际性,使学生学以致用。

Let's say
What’s on my shopping list?
Can I help you?
Yes.These shoes are nice. Can I try them on?
Of course.
Here you are.
Assistant:Can I help you?
Sarah:Yes.These shoes are nice.
Can I try them on?
Assistant:Of course.Here you are.
Mom:Are they OK?
Sarah:They are too big.
(too small/just right.)
Guiding 3

1.The shoes of size six are __________.

A. too big

2.The shoes of size seven are_________.

A. too big B. just right
B. too small
Let's act :

Assistant(售货员): Can I help you?
John: Yes._________.Can I try them on ?Size 6,please.
Assistant(售货员): Of couse. Here you are.
Mom: John ,are they OK?
John: No,__________.
Mom: Hmm. OK, Let's try Size 7.
John: They are_________.
Mom: Good.
Yes.The hat is pretty.
Can I try it on?
It's just right.
Make a dialogue like this.
Can I help you?
Yes.These ____are nice.
Can I try them on ?
Of couse. Here you are.
They are_________.
(big ,small,just right.)
Can I help you?
Yes.This____is pretty.
Can I try it on ?
Of couse. Here you are.
It is ____________.
(big , small,just right.)
Make a new dialogue. (六一到了,你想买什么呢?)
Can I help you?
Yes. Can I try these on?
OK. Here you are.
Oh, they are too big!
Let's play
Can I help you?
Yes. These shoes are nice. Can I try them on?
Size 6, please.
Of course. Here you are.
Let's talk
John, are they OK?
No. They’re too small.
Hmm. OK. Let’s try size 7.
They are just right!
scarf, gloves, T-shirt, sunglasses, umbrella
① It’s hot, so I put on my ___________.
② It’s cold, so I put on my __________ and ___________.
③ The sun is shining brightly, so I put on my ____________.
④ It is raining outside, so I open up my ___________.

1.Read the dialogue for three times.

2.Act the dialogue in groups.