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    人教版小学英语五年级下册 - Unit 2 My favourite season

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  • 时间:  2016-04

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Unit2 My favourite season

Read and Write
Let’s sing :
What ’s your favourite season ?
Game : When you see the pictures, stand up and say the words loudly .看见图片时,站起来大声说出单词。
beautiful flowers everywhere
green trees
What lovely colours !
The leaves fall and fall
and fall .
I want to paint a picture .
I love fall .
Which season do you like best ? Why?
discuss 讨论
Which season does Robin like ?
A. Spring
B . Summer
C. Autumn
D. All the four seasons
Watch and answer:
Read again , take away the phrases that are not mentioned in the text .
Read and circle(阅读课文,圈出正确的单词)
1.I like spring \ winter because there are beautiful flowers.

2.I like summer , I can \ can’t swim .

3. I want to paint a picture in summer \ autumn .

4.In winter , it snows ,it is white\ green everywhere.
Let’s retell !
Look at the_____________.

I like spring because _____________________
everywhere .
green trees and pink flowers
there are beautiful flowers
The weather is___________! I like summer , but I can’t _________.
hot, hot , hot
What lovely colours ! The leaves_________________.
I love fall . Wow ! I want to_______________, too !
paint a picture
fall and fall and fall
There is___________. It is
white everywhere . I like winter because I can _____________.
lots of snow
play in the snow

I like spring _____________________
everywhere .
Look at the green trees and pink flowers
because there are beautiful flowers
I like summer , _________.
The weather is hot, hot , hot
but I can’t swim
What lovely colours ! ______________________.
I love fall . Wow ! _____________________, too !
I want to paint a picture
The leaves fall and fall and fall .
___________________. It is
white everywhere. I like winter
There is lots of snow
because I can play in the snow
Choose your favourite season ,answer the questions and get the points . 选择你喜爱的季节,回答问题,答对可以获得相应的分数。
Write a letter to Robin , talk about your favourite season .给Robin 写一封信,和他说说你最喜欢的季节。
Dear Robin,

My favourite season is _____________.

I like it because ______________________.

I can __________________ .
Homework :

Read the text .

2.Write a short passage about the four seasons.
Which season do you like best ?

Why ?
Do you like summer ?

Why or why not ?
4 分
How to say “秋天”in English ?
( Two ways to say it out .用两种方式说出来)
3 分
Does Robin like winter ?

Why ?
Thank you !