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Unit 3 Is this your pencil? Section A 1a- 1c.
Ⅰ. Teaching materials analysis
1)Teaching contents
2)Status of the teaching material
The topic of this unit is “Things in the classroom”, From this lesson, it starts asking the Ss to grasp Yes/No Questions and master the Possesive Pronouns.
Therefore, this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.
3)Main points and difficult points
(1)Yes/No Questions.
(2)The usages of Possesive Pronouns
Ⅱ. Analysis of students
Most of Ss can understand some words and some simple sentences. They are interested in English now. But some of them can’t speak English well ,they are short of confidence.So in this class, I’ll encourage more Ss to speak English by doing and using.
Ⅲ.Teaching aims
(A)Knowledge aims
1.Ss can master Yes/No Question.
Is this/that your pencil? Yes ,it is.It’s mine.
No ,it isn’t.It’s his./hers.
Are these /those your books? Yes ,they are.They’re mine.
No,they arent.They’re hers/his.
2.Learn to use Possesive Pronouns. (my,his ,her ,mine,his ,hers).
(B)Ability aim: To train the students’ability of communication.
(C)Emotion aims:
1.To enable the Ss help others.
2.To enable the Ss to look after their things well.
3.Return the things that they find or borrow to the owner as soon as possible.
Ⅳ.Teaching and learning methods(教法与学法)
Teaching methods(教法设计)
(1) Situational teaching method
(2)Task-based teaching method
(3)Groupwork studying
(4)Game-playing method
Learning methods (学法指导):
(1)Independent study
(2)Cooperation learning.
(3)Inquiry learning.
Teaching aids(教学手段):
Multi-media computer,
Software: Powerpoint , school things and so on.
Ⅴ.Teaching procedures(教学流程):
Step 1 Review and lead-in
Activity 1 Greet the class as usual
Activity 2 Sing a song together. The name of the song is My Family (设计意图:播放歌曲,营造轻松愉快的学习氛围,并因势利导,使用自己的家庭照作材料,采用师生之间的交流方式,自然复习形容词性物主代词,为之后的名词性物主代词的学习做了很好的铺垫)
T:Do you love your family? Ss:Yes
T:I love my family,too. Today I will introduce my family members to you .Look at these photos.Who is she?
Ss:She is my English teacher.
T:Yes,this is your English teacher
Introduce the other two family members in the same way.
Step 2 Teach the new words
T:Teach the new words using some pictures.(设计意图:采用多媒体这一教学手段直观易懂,让学生轻松获得信息,从而达到了教是为了不教的目标。)
T:I am a teacher. My daughter is a student .Her father is also a teacher. So we have many school things.Do you want to know what they are?
Step 3 consolidation
Activity 1: Play a game------Show your……(设计意图:这一活动能够刺激学生积极思考,考察了学生快速反应能力且能对新授单词进行很好的初步巩固)
T: I say show your…..,please put up your school things,and say this word together.OK?
Activity 2; Play another game-------What’s missing?(设计意图:采用竞赛的教学方法,能充分调动学生的积极性,并很好地考察了学生的观察能力,并对单词做了更深层次的巩固)
T:Do you like games?
Ss:Yes. OK,Now Let’s play another game. This time we’ll have a PK between boys and girls .First let’s sing a song to encourage ourselves.
T:Play the song ----We’ll rock you. (设计意图:本句歌词,铿锵有力,能激起学生打败对方的斗志。)
Please look at these pictures carefully,and then tell us what’s missing?The student who can get the right answer can get a star .
Step 4 Practice
1)Do Exercise 1a(设计意图:让学生对所学习的单词做到音,形,义全面掌握,为下一步的听力做好准备。)
2)Check the answers.
Step 5 Presentation
Activity1 Watch and answer
Watch a magic performance and answer my questions. (设计意图:有趣的魔术表演能够更大程度的吸引学生的注意力,从而顺理成章地呈现了新句型)
Activity 2 Practice with students(设计意图:师生练习,难度较小,能够大大增加学生的自信心。)
Activity 3 Students practice with their partners(设计意图:生生练习,使他们通过合作,交流练习 ,更好地巩固所授新句型,并大大增强了他们的团队合作精神。)
Step 6 Explain the usages of Possesive Pronouns
Activity1 Game:Memory Challenge
Have a PK between boys and girls again. (设计意图:再次展开竞争,既有利于巩固所学知识,又有利于活跃课堂气氛,调动学生的积极性。)
Step 7 Listending practice (设计意图:听力训练是对前面的词汇教学,句型教学的延伸,是对前面各项学习的大检阅,让学生体验语言和感受语言。)
Do Exercise 1b
Step 8 Practise and consolidation
Activity 1 Find the owner (设计意图:创设情境,学生通过合作与交流,能够进一步巩固句型)
T: Please look here,this is a Lost and Found case .There are many school things in it .Please help me find the owner.Each student only have two chances. The student who can find the owner can get a star .
Step 9 Enjoy some pictures (设计意图:学生放松的同时,了解世界各地的失物招领处的标志和设置。)
Ask the students to remember to return the things that they find or borrow to the owner as soon as possible. (设计意图:培养学生拾金不昧的积极的情感态度。)
Step10 Summary (设计意图:通过闪卡的形式再现本课的词汇和重点句型,让学生回顾前面所学的内容并巩固本课的语言知识。)
What have we learned in this class?Let’s have a summary.
Step11 Homework (设计意图:让课内,课外均成为语言的训练场所,做到学之即用,语言知识与实际知识相结合,强化意识,增强语言的实用性.)
After class, make your own conversations to help teachers find the owners.
Step12 A prize-giving ceremory (设计意图:对学生的比赛成绩进行总结,并颁发金银奖牌,增强了他们继续努力的意志。)
Blackboard design:
The reflection after class:
本课时为人教版新目标七年级上册Unit3 Is this your pencil? SectionA 第一课时。本课主要围绕学习用品展开一系列教学活动,要求学生掌握一些关于学习用品的新名词,学会用“Is this / that…? Are these…?”来询问物品的所属并能用“Yes,it is./ No, it isn’t. Yes,they are. No/,they aren’t”来回答。通过讨论物品归属,培养学生爱护学习用品并养成拾金不昧的好品质。
创设真实语境、创设问题语境。在教授新单词时,使用自己的家庭照片,来介绍家庭成员,并顺理成章的引入目标单词,在巩固单词时。选用了show your….,whats missing ?l两个游戏,学生参与范围广,兴趣强烈。在进行目标语言句型教授时,引入一个魔术表演视频,更好的吸引了学生的眼球,为句型的学习奠定了很好的基础。
本课中,在操练完句型Is this your pencil? 之后, 让学生对此语境进行寻找失主这一活动。教学情境熟悉、真实,学生乐于表演,气氛和悦。在教学中起了激趣的作用,又适时的进行了拾金不昧的情感教育。效果明显。