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    冀教版小学英语四年级上册 - Lesson 13 At School

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  • 时间:  2017-10

Lesson 13 At School 教学设计2

Unit 3 Lesson 13全课时教案

冀教版小学英语4A Lesson 13

1. 知识目标:掌握词汇classroom, library, playground, computer room
掌握句型 Where is the computer room? I can show you. Here it is.
2. 能力目标:学生可以通过所学,礼貌的用英语问路。
3. 情感目标:培养自己的语言表达能力和文章的组织能力。


重点:本科重点词汇Where is the computer room? I can show you. Here it is.的用法

Part 1:温故知新,快速热身
T: Good morning everyone.
S: Good morning teacher.
T: What do you do at this morning?
S: I brush my teeth and wash my face, and then eat a breakfast, finally go to school.
T: Great!
Part 2:真实呈现,准确感知
1. Learn new words: classroom, library, playground.
2. 老师领读,让学生快速熟悉这些单词。
3. 对话练习
T: Where are we?
S: We are in classroom.
T: Yes, if we want to borrow books, where should we go?
S: Go to the library.
T: Great! If we want to do sports, where should we go?
S: To the playground.

Part 3:分步操练, 真实体验
老师拿出写有classroom, library, playground卡片贴在黑板上,然后请同学上来介绍我们的学校。
S: It’s my school, it’s very beautiful.
This is my classroom, we study there.
That is our library, it has lots of books.
Here is the playground, you can do sports on the playground.

Part 4:熟练运用,拓展延伸
S1: Excuse me, Miss Zhang. Where is the computer room?
S2: I can show you. Here it is
S1: Thanks.

Part 5:结束课程
1. Homework:简笔画画出你所在的学校各个建筑,并用英文标注。
2. Say goodbye to the students.