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    冀教版小学英语四年级上册 - Lesson 5 Days of the Week

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  • 时间:  2017-10

Lesson 5 Days of the Week 教学设计5

Unit 1 Lesson 5全课时教案

冀教版小学英语4A Lesson 5

1. 知识方面:
能够认读、掌握、灵活运用Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday七个单词。
能够理解、应答和运用下列句子:What day is it? It’s Monday/Tuesday.
2. 能力方面:能把所学单词灵活应用于日常口语交流中;了解西方关于星期的知识。
3. 过程与方法:能够观察出有关星期单词的特征,在合作学习中掌握有关星期的单词。
4. 情感态度、价值观:了解东西方文化差异,继续产生并保持对英语的兴趣。

学生能够正确地说、读、写,用Sunday to Saturday七个单词。


Part 1: Greeting and a free talk
1. Greeting and a free talk.
2. Stand up and Check up on the homework.
T: What is he or she wearing?
S: He/she is wearing a green sweater.

Part 2: Presentation(新课呈现)
1. 带领学生学习Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday这七个单词,并解释与中国不同在国外Sunday才是一个星期的开始。
2. 通过对话熟悉单词。
What day is today? It’s Monday.
How many days are there in the week? Seven.
3. Let’s sing!
She is wearing green T-shirt, green T-shirt, green T-shirt.
She is wearing green T-shirt, on Monday morning.
4. Letters and sounds(字母和发音)
先带读课本所给单词,教学生们五个元音字母“a e i o u”的发音。
通过喊学生朗读map bed film fox sun 来纠正学生们的发音。

Part 3: Class closing
1. 做《活动手册》
2. 布置课外作业
3. Say “Goodbye” to the students.