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    冀教版小学英语六年级上册 - Lesson 24 Maddy’s Christmas

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  • 时间:  2017-10

Lesson 24 Maddy’s Christmas 习题1

Unit 4 24 Madd’s Christmas

1.Listen. Fill in the blanks. 听音,填空。
Maddy’s Christmas
Tomorrow is Christmas. Christmas is Maddy’s favourite ! Maddy’s family is going to Maddy’s aunt, uncle and cousins for . They are going to give to each other. They are going to sing Christmas together.
Maddy wants to his family something special for Christmas. What is he going to give to his family? He doesn’t know. He thinks everything is too .
Maddy makes a big for his family.

2.Look at the card. Answer the questions. 读卡片,并回答问题。

What did Maddy give to his family at Christmas?
b. Did Maddy buy some things for his family?
c. Maddy thinks everything is too small. Why?
d. What do you think about Maddys gift for his family?

3.Change or delete a letter in each word to make a new word.更换或删去一个字母,组成新单词。
a. these b. it
c. open d. did
e. toys f. know
g. them h. look
i. thank j. tree

4.Let’s put up a Christmas tree! Read and draw. 我们来装扮圣诞树。读一读,画一画。

a. It’s fun to put up a Christmas tree! Let’s put up one.
b. First, we put on the lights.
c. Second, we put the Christmas things on the tree.
d. Then we put the star on the top of the tree.
e. At last, we put the gifts under the tree.
There! It’s done!

What are the Christmas things?

1.Listen. Fill in the blanks.
Maddy’s Christmas
Tomorrow is Christmas. Christmas is Maddy’s favourite holiday! Maddy’s family is going to invite Maddy’s aunt, uncle and cousins for dinner. They are going to give gifts to each other. They are going to sing Christmas song together.
Maddy wants to give his family something special for Christmas. What is he going to give to his family? He doesn’t know. He thinks everything is too small.
Maddy makes a big card for his family.

2.a.The gift is that she love them. b.No,she did’t. c.Because love is the biggest one. d.It’s the biggest gift of all.

3.a.those b.sit c.pen d.die e.toy f.now g.the h.lock i.think j.free

4.It’s fun to put up a Christmas tree! Let’s put up one.
b. First, we put on the lights.
c. Second, we put the Christmas things on the tree.
d. Then we put the star on the top of the tree.
e. At last, we put the gifts under the tree.
There! It’s done!