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    人教版初中英语八年级下册 - Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents?

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Unit 4
Why don’t you talk to
your parents?
Language Goals:
Talk about problems
Give advice
Section A
We have many problems.
I have to study too much so I don’t get enough sleep.
I have too much homework so I don’t have any free time to do things I like.
My parents don’t allow me to hang out with my friends.
I have too many after-school classes.
I got into a fight with my best friend.
Why don’t you…?
Why not…?
You should…?
I have to study too much so I don’t get enough sleep.
Why don’t you go to sleep earlier? You can start studying earlier.
What should I do?
I have too much homework so I don’t have any free time to do things I like.
Why don’t you start studying earlier. And you can do other things.
What should I do?
My parents don’t allow me to hang out with my friends.
Why not talk to your parents?
What should I do?
I have too many after-school classes.
You should tell your parents that you can’t do so many things.
What should I do?
I got into a fight with my best friend.
Why don’t you write him a letter?
A: What’s wrong?
B; I’m tired because I studied until
midnight last night.
A: Why don’t you go to sleep earlier this
1c. look at the problems in 1a and
make conversations.
2a. Listen. Peter’s friend is giving him
advice. Fill in the blanks with could or
You___________ write him a letter.( )
2. You___________ call him up. ( )
3. You __________ talk to him so that you can say you're sorry. ( )
4. You _______ go to his house. ( )
5. You _______ take him to the ball game. ( )
2c. Role-play a conversation between Peter
and his friend.
A: What's the matter, Peter?
B: I had a fight with my best friend. What
should I do?
A: Well, you should call him so that you
can say you’re sorry.
Dave: You look sad, Kim. What’s wrong?
Kim: Well, I found my sister looking through
my things yesterday. She took some of
my new magazines and CDs.
Dave: Hmm …that’s not very nice. Did she
give them back to you?
Kim: Yes, but I’m still angry with her. What
should I do?
2d. Role-play the conversation.
find sb. doing sth 发现某人正在做某事
Dave: Well, I guess you could tell her to say
sorry. But why don’t you forget
about it so that you can be friends
again? Although she’s wrong, it’s
not big deal.
Kim: You’re right. Thanks for your advice
Dave: No problem. Hope things work out.
3a. Look at this letter to a magazine and the
reply from Robert Hunt, a school counselor.
Complete the chart.
Dear Mr. Hunt,
My problem is that I can’t get on with my family. Relations between my parents have become difficult. They fight a lot, and I really don’t like it. It’s the only communication they have. I don’t know if I
should say anything to them about this. When they argue, it’s like a big, black cloud hanging over our home. Also, my elder brother is not very nice to me. He always refuses to let me watch my favorite TV show. Instead he watches whatever he wants until late at night. I don’t think this is fair. At home I always feel lonely and nervous. Is that normal?
What can I do?
Sad and Thirteen
Dear Sad and Thirteen,
It’s not easy being your age, and it’s normal to have these feelings. Why don’t you talk about these feelings with your family? If your parents are having problems, you should offer to help. Maybe you could do more jobs around the house so that they have more time for proper communication. Secondly, why don’t you sit down and communicate with your
brother? You should explain that you don’t mind him watching TV all the time. However, he should let you watch your favorite show. I hope things will be better for you soon.

Robert Hunt
make sth. clear — explain
Can you explain to me how to do this math problem?
talk —
3c Which words or phrases in the letters have the same or similar meanings as the following? Write a sentence using each word or phrase.
The more you communicate with each other,
the better you will know each other.
not allow —

worried —

get along with —
Tom refused to tell Mary the truth.
She is very nervous to be late again.
get on with
We should get on will with each other.
What’s wrong?
What’s the matter?
What’s the problem/the trouble?
with sb.
2. 情态动词should, should等
should,shouldn’t “(不)应该”,常用来提出请求和建议
could “可以”可也用来给出建议。
用could 给出建议一般是指自己不太肯定,或者只是很多建议中的某一个,仅供参考;而should就是自己很肯定的或唯一的最好的一个建议。
should (shall) could (can)
情态动词 + v, 可表示说话人的语气,
可表达建议、要求、可能和意愿等,没有人称和数的变化 。
You should/could +v.
Why don’t you +v.?
Why not +v.?
Could you please +v.?
You’d better (not) +v.
Would you mind doing……?
What about/How about +n./doing……?
Fill in the blanks with although, so that or until.
1. A: What’s wrong?
B: My sister borrows my clothes without asking. What should I do?
A: Well, you could tell her that this makes you angry _______ she’ll ask you next time.
so that
so that 意为“因此”,引导目的状语从句,表示前一句所表述的动作的目的。在从句中常使用can /could / will/ may/ should等词。
so… that… 意为“如此……以至于”,常用于结果状语从句,表示上文动作所产生 结果。
e.g. When the fans saw Beckham, they were so excited that they cried out.
2. A: I don’t have any friends at my new school. What should I do?
B: ________ you don’t have any now, you’ll soon make some.
点拨:although 意为“尽管……但是”,不能说,though…but。句意“尽管你现在没有朋友,但不久你就会有朋友的。”
3. A: I’m worried about my school grades. What’s your advice?
B: You shouldn’t wait _____ the last minute to study for a test.
点拨:until 用于否定句中,表示句子的动作直到until短语所表示的时间才开始发生,即表示动作的起点。一般译为“直到……才” 。
拓展:until 用在肯定句中,
e.g. She was a bank clerk until the war,
when she trained as a nurse.
4. A: Mike is my best friend,
but he always copies my homework. What should I do?
B: ________ he’s your best friend, you should still tell him that copying others’ homework is wrong.
Write one piece of advice for each problem. Then compare your advice with your partner’s and decide whether the advice is good or bad.
1. I’m very shy.
Advice: _______________________________
Why don’t you talk loudly in front of your classmates for many times?
2. My sister and I fight all the time.
Advice: _______________________________
Maybe you should think about what you always fight about and try to have a talk with her about it.
3. My sister spends all evening on the phone.
You could tell her you need a good rest to study well at school tomorrow.
4. My cousin borrows my things without returning them.
_______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________
Maybe he’s forgetful. You could call him and tell him you need them recently.
5. My parents won’t be let me have a pet.
Advice: ________________________________ ________________________________
When you get a good grade at school, you could talk about it with her.
Choose one of the problems and ask your classmates for advice. Decide which classmate has the best advice.
You left your homework at home.
Your best friend is more popular than you.
You are afraid of speaking in front of people.
Your best friend does not trust you any more.
You parents always argue.
My best friend is more popular than me. I want to be like him. What should I do?
You could try to be friendlier.
You should just be yourself.
Section B
What’s wrong with the girl?
She’s too stressed out.
Warming up
What should she do? Can you give her some advice?
play sports
hang out with friends
talk to parents or other family members
spend time alone
play computer games
read books
watch movies
get enough sleep
Tell your partner about your answers in 1a.
I always hang out with my friends to lower stress.
I like to listen to music to lower stress best.
I’d like to play sports when I’m stressed out.
Listen and check the problems Wei Ming talks about.
___ My parents give me a lot of pressure about school.
___ I don’t get enough sleep.
___ I don’t have enough free time.
___ I had a fight with my parents.
___ I have to compete with my classmates at school.
What is your advice for Wei Ming? Tell your partner and say why.
I think Wei Ming should more free to play sports after class.
Because health is more important than grades. Grades isn’t everything after all.
Check the after-school activities you and your classmates usually do.
____ do homework
____ use the Internet
____ have after-school lessons
____ hang out with friends
____ watch movies
____ play sports or exercise
Maybe You Should Learn to Relax!
These days, Chinese children are sometimes busier on weekends than weekdays because they have to take so many after-school classes. Many of them are learning exam skills so that they can get into a good university. Others are practicing sports so that they can compete and win. However, this doesn’t only happen in China.
The Taylors are a typical American Family. Life for Cathy Taylor’s three children is very busy. “On most days after school,” Cathy says, “I take one of my two boys to basketball practice and my daughter to football training. Then I have to take my other son to piano lessons.
Maybe I could cut out a few of their activities, but I believe these activities are important for my children’s future. I really want them to be successful.” However, the tired children don’t get home until after 7:00 p.m. They have a quick dinner, and then it’s time for homework.
Linda Miller, a mother of three, knows all about such stress. “In some families, competition starts very young and continues until the kids get older,” she says. “Mothers send their small kids to all kinds of classes. And they are always comparing them with other children. It’s crazy. I don’t think that’s fair. Why don’t they just let their kids be kids? People shouldn’t push their kids so hard”.
Doctor say too much pressure is not good for a child’s development. Dr. Alice Green says all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children. “Kids should have time to relax and think for themselves, too. Although it’s normal to want successful children, it’s even more important to have happy children.”
have time to do sth 有时间做某事
Look at the words in bold in the article. Can you guess their meanings? Try to match them with the meaning below.
1. Keeping on happening _______
continue v. 持续;继续存在
用法:continue to do sth. 强调继续做另一件事情,前后所做的事情不同。
continue doing sth. 多强调接着做以前所做事情。
e.g. Can I continue to read aloud?
The workers refused to continue
2. Physical exercise and practice of skills
training n. 训练
e.g. Nurses have several years of training.
3. Worries about things at home, school or work ______
stress n. 压力
e.g. In fact, stress isn’t always bad thing.
4. Usual or common _______
typical adj. 典型的
e.g. On a typical day, we receive about fifty letters.
5. Try to be the best or the first to finish something ________
compete v. 竞争;对抗
e.g. We can’t compete with them on price.
6. Getting better or bigger ____________
development n. 发展;发育;成长
e.g. Development of the area would endanger the wildlife.
7. Look for differences and similarities between things _________
compare v. 比较
compare …with… 比较;对比
e.g. How does your new house compare with your old one?
1. “After-school classes can help kids get into a good university.”
A magazine interviewed some parents about after-school classes for children. Read the opinions below and make notes on your own opinions.
Why should children take after-school classes?
I agree. It’s still important to get into a good university in China. We can learn exam skills so that we can get into a good high school and later a good university.
Your opinions:
I disagree. Many factors may influenced in one’s life. Even though one goes to a good university, he may still can’t be successful.
2. “I want my child to be a successful person.”
Your opinions:
Why should children take after-school classes?
I agree. Many great people learn things from a very young age. If the child is gifted in some area, it’s helpful to learn it from a young age.
3. “It’s good for children to start learning from a young age.”
Why should children take after-school classes?
Your opinions:
Write a letter to the magazine to express your opinions on after-school classes for children. Use the following expressions to help you.
Try to write two paragraphs.
Dear …,
I don’t really agree with …
because …
Although some parents are right about …, I think children should …
First, say if you agree or disagree.
Then, explain why.
In my opinion, it is important for children / parents to …
I believe it is better if children / parents … so that …
Perhaps children / parents should / could …
If children …, they will …
My opinion about sending kids to all kinds of after-school classes.
1. 本文为自己对课后辅导班的看法,故应为议论文。
2. 人称为第一人称;时态应用一般现在时。
3. 首先,应开门见山地描述课后辅导班这一
4. 然后,明确表明自己的看法,是支持还是
5. 接下来再用表格中所给的句型结构,列举
One possible version
Dear Sir or Madam,
I don’t agree with the idea of sending kids to after-school classes. Because all these activities can cause a lot of stress for children. It’s not good for a child’s development.
In my opinion, kids should have time to relax and think for themselves, too.
I think it’s better that parents shouldn’t compare their children with other children. It’s crazy and not fair. Perhaps parents should let their kids be kids. Although it’s normal to want successful children, it’s even more important to have happy children.
__________ you give her a book?
2. Why not come over to join us?
______________ over to join us?
3. How about the sweater?
____ do you ________ the sweater?
4. What's wrong?
What’s ____________?
Why don’t
Why don’t you
What think of
the matter

What’s wrong with you?
I don’t have enough money.
I have to study until midnight, so I don’t get
enough sleep.
I got into a fight with my best friend.
4. 我的衣服过时了.

5. 我父母想让我每天晚上都呆在家里.

6. 我应该怎么做呢?

7. 你应该买些新衣服.
My clothes are out of style.
My parents want me to stay at home every night.
What should I do?
You should buy some new clothes.
Why don't you do sth ?= Why not do sth? 为什么不......呢?
(1)What about doing sth ?=How about doing sth? ….怎么样?
(2)Why don’t you do sth?= Why not do sth? 为什么不呢?
(3)Let’s do sth.让我们一起做某事吧。
(4)Shall we/I do sth?我们做…好吗?
(5)had better do/not do sth 最好做/不做某事
(6) Will/Would you please do sth 请你做…好吗?
(7) Would you like to do sth? 你想去做某事吗?
(8)Would you mind doing sth?你介意做某事吗?
(1). 同意对方的建议时,一般用:
◆ Good idea./ That’s good idea. 好主意
◆OK/ All right./ Great 好/ 行/太好了
◆ Yes, please ./ I’d love to 是的/ 我愿意
◆ I agree with you 我同意你的看法
◆ No problem 没问题
◆Sure/ Of course/ Certainly 当然可以
◆Yes, I think so 对,我也这样想
◆ I don’t think so 我认为不是这样
◆Sorry, I can’t 对不起,我不能
◆I’d love to, but…
◆ I’m afraid…我愿意,但恐怕……
too much +不可数名词 许多
too much homework
too many + 复数名词 许多
too many people
much too +形容词 太…
much too cold
allow v. 允许;准许
allow doing sth 允许做某事
e.g. We don’t allow smoking in our house.
allow sb. (not)to do sth. (不)允许某人做某事
e.g. My parents don’t allow me to stay up late. 我父母不允许我熬夜。
Mr. Smith allowed Mike to drive there.
be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事
The boy should be allowed to play after supper.
allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事。
let指“让”,let sb do sth让某人做某事,语意较弱,多用于口语中,let不能用于被动语态。
until 直到......时
肯定句:(untill:直到.....为止) I slept until midnight. 我一直睡到半夜时醒了。
Wait till I call you.  等着我叫你。(在肯定句中可用before代替)   否定句:(untill:直到.....才)   She didn't arrive until 6 o'clock.
她直到6点才到。   Don't get off the bus until it has stopped.
公共汽车停稳后再下车。   I didn't manage to do it until you had explained how. 
until 用于否定句中,表示句子的动作直到until短语所表示的时间才开始发生,即表示动作的起点。一般译为“直到…才”
Until you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened.
look 看起来 (系动词,后跟形容词作宾语)
That blouse looks nice.
【拓展】:系动词:后跟adj. 作表语
一是:(be) am /is /are be quiet=keep quiet 保持安静
二保持:stay/keep (表示持续状态) stay healthy=keep healthy 保持健康
三变化:become/get/turn (表示状态变化)
五起来:sound/look/smell/taste/feel (表示感觉)
call up (v + adv)
I call up my parents every Sunday.
call on 拜访(后接表示人的名词或代词)
call at 拜访;访问( 后接表示地点或场所的词语)
I called on the Smiths yesterday.  
我昨天拜访了史密斯一家人。I called at the Smith's yesterday.  
The headmaster called on the students to work 
be angry with sb. 生某人的气
【拓展】angry adj. 生气的→ angrily adv. 生气地
(1)be angry with sb. =be mad at sb. 对某人生气【with后接人】
(2)be angry at/about sth对某事感到生气 【at后接事】
(3)be angry to do sth 做某事感到生气
although= though 尽管 , 用来引导让步状语从句。
【注】though / although 不能与but连用
e.g. Although tired (=Although he was tired), he kept on working.
The problem, though complicated
(=though it is complicated), can be solved without much difficulty.
e.g. Bravely though they fought, they had no chance of winning.
虽然他们打得很勇敢,但还是没有机会获胜。 Poor though I am, I can afford it.
Child though he was, he did quite well.
⑴although conj,“虽然;即使;纵然”,引导让步状语从句时放在主句前后都可。
Although he is very old, yet he is quite strong.
⑵ however adv,在句中作插入语,起一个连词的作用,一般用逗号与句子分开,可以放在句首或句中,意为“然而,尽管如此”。
It’s raining hard, However, I think we should go out.
Language points
Although she’s wrong, it’s not big deal.
big deal 是英语中 的一个固定搭配,表示“
重要的事情或是状况” 多用于非正式交流,
做否定用法时,常说 it’s not a big deal. 或
it is no big deal. 表示说话人并不认为某事
e.g. There’s a soccer game on TV this evening
but I don’t have to watch it. It’s no a big deal.
big deal 还可用于肯定和疑问结构中。例如:
It’s a big deal, David, bigger than you know.
What’s the big deal? It’s only a birthday, not the
end if the world. 有什么了不起的?这不过是个
leave v 遗忘,留下 
leave sth . somewhere把某物忘在某地(有地点)
forget sth 忘了某物(不加地点)
I left my keys in the library.
I forgot my keys.
leave sb. by oneself 把某人单独留下
You can’t leave her by herself。
leave sb doing 让某人让他一直做某事
Mother leave me watching TV.
hope v 希望
hope to do sth
I hope to visit Guilin.
hope + that 从句 (表示希望)
I hope that you’ll be better soon
wish v 希望
wish to do sth
I wish to visit Guilin.
wish sb.to do sth 希望某人做某事
I wish you to go.
wish +that 从句 表示愿望,从句用虚拟语气 I wish I were you.
Hope things work out.
work out 解决(问题);改善(状况)解决;成功地发展,后跟fine, well, badly等词,表明产生的结果如何。
e.g. Don’t worry. Things will work out.
The math problem is too difficult for me to work out.
I have worked out a new way of doing it.
The government has many problems to work out.
work out
They fight a lot, and I don’t really like it.
此处“fight” 为“吵架,争吵”
e.g. Although they just got married, they’re fighting almost every day.
fight 另有“打架”之意。例如:
e.g. My little brothers are always fighting.
e.g. As kids, we always fight for toys in the kindergarten, but now we’re pretty good friends.
get on with sb. 和某人和睦相处;和某人关系良好
=get along with
get on well/ badly with 相处的好/坏
argue v. 争吵;争论
→ argument n. 争论
have an argument with sb.与某人辩论
e.g. The couple began to argue about the child’s education.
argue for 为……辩护
The lawyer argues for the poor man. argue sb with/over sth 与……争论
Do what you are told and don't argue with me! argue against争辩……
He argued fiercely against the plan of tax cute.
hang over 挂在...之上; 悬浮在...之上
hang out 闲逛;常去某处
He likes reading and he often hangs out in the bookshop.
hang on to 紧紧抓住
You’d better hang on to me in the crowd.
hang up 挂电话;悬挂
After she finished her conversation
elder adj.年纪较长的
His elder brother is ill.
refuse =say no to v拒绝
refuse to do sth拒绝去做某事
The boy refused to go to see his father with us.
instead 代替,反而,替代
(1) instead 副词,代替,常放在句首或句尾,表示前面的事情没做,而做了后面的事情
Lee was ill so I went instead.
(2) instead of +n/doing 代替,而不是,放在句中
instead of 为介词短语,后面一般接名词、代词、介词短语或动名词形式。
She wrote to him instead of calling him.
=She didn’t call him. She wrote to him instead.
whatever pron. 任何;无论什么 相当于 no matter what
e.g. Whatever I suggest, he always disagrees.
可用no matter what结构来替换其意完全相同,位置前后置都可
whatever还可以引导名词性从句,同时起先行词和关系代词的作用,相当于anything that或all that,有任何一切这类意思,此时不能用no matter what替换
注意“no matter+疑问词”结构与“疑问词+ever”在用法上的区别
1.“no matter+疑问词”结构只能引导让步状语从句,这时可以和“疑问词+ever”互换。
如:No matter where he may be (=Wherever he may be), he will be happy.
由no matter what/who/where/when…引导的从句往往用一般现在时或一般过去时。
No matter who you are, you must obey the rules.
offer v. 主动提出;自愿给予
(1) offer to do sth 主动提出做某事
(2)offer sb. sth= offer sth to sb. 主动提供给某人某物
e.g. She offered me a cup of tea.
He offered to go instead of me.
communicate v.交流
communication n. 交流;沟通
communicate with sb. 和某人交流
e.g. Li Mei can easily communicate with foreigners in English.
explain v. 解释;说明
explanation n.
1. explain + that / what/ why 等从句
2. explain sth. (to sb.)(向某人)解释某事
e.g. Can you explain what this means?
Please explain it to me.
worry v. 担心 → worried adj. 焦急的
worry about = be worried about 为……担心
Don’t worry. You’ll catch up with others.
Don’t worry about things so much. It will make you stressed out.
return ⑴v. 归还=give back
return ... to ... = give back to ... 把......还给......
You should return the book to the library quickly.
⑵ v. 回来;返回 = come back
My best friend will return soon.
press v 按;压 →pressure压力
⑴不可数名词 (物理学)压力
air pressure 气压 blood pressure 血压
⑵不可数名词 还可指精神上、外界施加的压力 = stress
under pressure 在压力下
compete v竞争;对抗 → competition n 竞争
compete with sb. 和某人竞争
compete against/ with 与……竞争
compete for 为……参加比赛
如:Compare this car with that one, and you will find the differences between them.
This song compares our country to a big family.
some time /sometime/some times/sometimes
【口诀】:分开是一段, 合起是某时; 分开s 是倍次,合起s是有时
(1) some time一段时间,做时间状语
It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间
(2) sometime adv 在某个时候,
(3) some times 名词词组,“几次,几倍”
Mr. Green went to Sanya some times last summer.
(4)sometimes=at times 有时 (一般现在时的标志词)
The Taylors 泰勒一家 。 在姓氏的复数前加冠词the表示“全家人或夫妻两人”,使用时注意主语和谓语保持一致。
The Blacks are getting ready for the holiday.
typical adj. 典型的
be typical of “是……的特点”
cut out 删除;删去 (v+adv)
You’d better cut out that sentence.
cut up 切碎
cut down 砍到
cut in 插队
cut off 切断(水、电)供应
successful 成功的
【拓展】 succeed v 成功,达到
→success n 成功
→successful adj 成功的
→successfully adv成功地
◆succeed in doing sth
It’s time for sth 是到做某事的时候了。
It’s time for lunch.
It’s time to do sth 是到做某事的时候了。
It’s time to go to school.
continue 继续;持续
【拓展】continue doing sth =go on doing sth 继续做某事(前后做同一件事)
continue to do sth = go on to do sth 继续做某事(前后不是同一件事)
【拓展】continue,go on, last辨析
⑴continue v.继续,持续,指进程在时间或空间上的延续,强调持续不断,有时也可以指短暂停止后继续进行。
He continue the work for two days.他连续两天都在做这项工作。
⑵ go on指无间歇或有间歇地继续,或以某种特定方式继续。
go on to do sth继续做某事,指开始做另外一件事;
go on doing sth继续做原来所做的事情。
After doing his homework, he went on to preview his lessons.
⑶last v.持续,延续,维持,指某事物继续存在或某种现象在时间上延续,说明某一动作要延续一段时间。
She won’t last long in that job.那个工作她做不了多久。
send→ sent → sent v 发送
send away 赶走 send for 派人去请
send off 寄出 send out 分发
send up 发射
send sb. sth = send sth to sb. 送给某人某物
show (展示; 给……看)
give (给)
lend (借出)
return (归还)
tell ( 告诉)
kind (1) n 种类
kind of +adj.有点,有几分,kind of cold 有点冷
a kind of 一种的,某种的
all kinds of 各种各样的
different kinds of 不同种类的
What kind of…?那种
(2) adj. 友好的
be kind to sb. = be good to sb.=be friendly to sb. 对某人友好
【辨析】kind of 与kinds of:
1kind of 单独用,表示“有点”,后接形容词或副词:
He is kind of thin.”他有点瘦” I feel kind of hungry.”我有点饿”
Uncle Wang speaks kind of quickly. 王叔叔说得有点快。
2若kind of前有a, this, that, what等,译为“种,种类” 后加名词。
That kind of question is difficult to answer. 那类问题难回答。
What kind of sport do you like best? 你最喜欢何种运动?
be good for 对......有好处
【拓展】good ( better ; best) adj. 好的 → goodness n 好处;善行 ;美德
be good for 对….有益处(反) be bad for对…有害处
be good at +n/doing=do well in +n/doing 擅长于做某事
be good to sb. =be kind to =be friendly to sb.对某人友好
cause v. 造成,使发生
cause sb. to do sth 使某人做某事
cause sb. for sb. 给某人添麻烦
cause, reason, excuse辨析
⑴cause n.原因,指引起某种结果的“原因”,后接介词of.
The cause of the accident was the fact that he was driving too fast.
⑵reason n.理由,原因,指决定做某事或采取某项行动的理由。
The reason he was driving so fast was that he didn’t want to miss an important meeting.他开车如此快的原因是他不想错过一个重要的会议。
⑶excuse n.辩解,借口,指对某种行为所做的解释,可以是真的,也可以是托词。
He made a good excuse for his driving.他为自己开快车找了一个堂皇的借口。
perhaps 也许;可能
Perhaps I will see him the day after tomorrow, but I am not sure.
He will probably refuse the offer.他很可能会拒绝这份提议。
I’ll see you today, or possibly tomorrow.我今天要见你,不过也可能是明天。
Maybe you put the letter in your basket. 或许你把信放在你的篮子里了。
It’s + adj.(easy,difficult,important,necessary) +(for sb.) to do sth
【注】若形容词表示事物特征的,如:easy ,difficult, hard ,important等,
须用介词for 【形容物,用for】
It’s +adj( kind, honest, friendly, )+(of sb) to do sth.
【注】 若形容词表示人的性格、品质与特点,如:good ,kind ,nice, wrong等,用介词of。【形容人用of】
keep on doing 继续做某事
keep sb. doing sth 让某人一直做某事
keep up with 跟上
keep sb. from doing sth阻止某人做某事
keep away from避开