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Unit2.Working the land language points免费课件ppt下载必修4

Unit2.Working the land language points免费课件ppt下载必修4
Unit 2 Working the land
Language points
He c_______ himself one of those Chinese farmers, working the land to do his r__________. He has s__________ for the past five d______. In 1974, he became the first a__________ p________ to grow what is called the super hybrid rice that has a high o______. He g________ from college. He saw the great n_____ for increasing the rice output. He s_______ for a way to increase rice h______ without e________ the area of fields. Now he is c___________ his knowledge in the less d__________ country. He gives money to e______ others. he wants more f________ rather than fame or money. He a______ with the hope of producing a kind of rice that could f_____ more people.
He considers himself a farmer
1) consider sb./sth+形容词/名词
2) consider+sb./sth.+不定式 ( to be / as )
3. take… into consideration 考虑到,顾及…
under consideration 在考虑中
联想: 表示“把……认为/当作”的词组有:regard… as, look on ……as, think of……as
consider – consideration -- considerate
2. Indeed, his sunburnt ……farmers, for whom he has struggled for the past five decades.
We must struggle for a happy life.
The old man has struggled with/against illness.
struggle to do sth 挣扎着做某事
struggle for为……奋斗/斗争
struggle with/against与……斗争、克服
A life- and death struggle 你死我活的斗争
1) 我们三个人努力把汤姆从轮椅抬上了车。
The three of us __________________ Tom out of his wheelchair into the car.
2) 她一生都在为争取国家的独立而战。
She ____________ the independence of her country all her life.
3) 我们必须与各种困难作斗争。
We have to _________________ all kinds of difficulties.
4) 他挣扎着想站起来,但没成功。
He _____ ____ ____ ____ but failed.
struggled to lift /get
struggled for
struggle against / with
Struggled to his feet
3. He became the first one to grows what is called super hybrid rice.
这是一个复合句型中的宾语从句,引导词what引导的从句what is called super hybrid rice做主句谓语动词grow的宾语,而what本身在从句中充当主语,所以此处不能用that来引导。
He is always the first one to come and the last to leave.
We live in what is called ancient Greece.
1. Police have found _____ appears to be the lost ancient statue. (2013全国卷I)
which B. where C. how D. what
2. Experts believe ________ people can waste less food by shopping only when it is necessary. (2013北京卷)
why B. where C. that D. what
3. Some people care much about their appearance and always ask if they look fine in ________ they are wearing. (2013上海卷)
A. that B. what C. how D. which
4. Dr Yuan searched for a way to increase rice harvests without expanding the area of the fields.
He searched the room for his passport. The police searched for clues in that area.
They went into the woods in search of the missing child .
search … for sth. 搜查(某地/某人)寻找某物 search for sb./sth.查找某人或某物 in search of 寻找
(v.) become greater in size, number or importance
5. expand our vocabulary / business / the image
5. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one-third more of the crop in the same fields.
The fine weather makes it possible for us to go for an outing next week.
it 在句中作形式宾语, 真正的宾语为to produce…, 结构为: 动词(make, feel, think, regard…)+it +adj+(for sb.)+ to do.
Spaceship _________________ to travel to the moon.
We make it a rule __________________________.
I feel it my duty ______________________
We think it important _________________.
We consider it unwise __________________.
makes it possible
6. He is circulating his knowledge and equipping
others for their research
Officials now point out that merely to circulate false messages online without confirming is illegal.
Programmes like "gossip girl" circulate in china just a few hours after they are broadcast in America.
7. equip (v.) supply sb/sth with what is needed
Now all fishing boats are radio-equipped.
They can’t afford to equip their army properly.
We should be well equipped with the latest science and technology.
8. Dr. Yuan awoke from his dream with the hope of producing a kind of rice that could feed more people.
He read English every morning with the hope of getting a good result in the examination.
with the hope of producing = hoping to produce
1. 我写了封申请信,希望能够获得一个机会。
I wrote an applying letter __________
________________ a chance.
with/ in the hope of being given
hoping to be given
Dr Yuan _______ a simple life. He doesn’t ___ ____ being famous or rich. He _____ ______ work on the farm than have a rest. _______ to the discovery of super hybrid rice, his dream of ______ China of _______ is realized . Now, he has another dream---to _______his rice so that it can be grown all over the world.
I would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema.
The children would walk there rather than take a bus.
I would rather have noodles than rice
I would rather go to work by bike than by bus.   John wants to see me today. I would rather he came tomorrow than today.
would rather…than… 宁愿…而不…
live a hard life , disturb, decade, struggle, search for , thanks to , research on , twice as large as , get rid of , be satisfied with , would rather
Farmers in China used to live a hard life and was always disturbed by hunger. For decades, they struggled to search for ways to increase rice harvests, but without success. Now, things have changed. Thanks to Dr. Yuan’s research on the hybrid rice, farmers are producing harvests twice as large as before, which means 22% of the world’s people have got rid of hunger. Most of the farmers say they are now quite satisfied with their life and would much rather be a farmer in the countryside.