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    人教版小学英语四年级上册 - Recycle 2

  • 格式:  PPT
  • 大小:  1.99M    24张
  • 时间:  2016-04

免费下载Recycle 2第三课时四年级上册PEP英语公开课ppt课件

免费下载Recycle 2第三课时四年级上册PEP英语公开课ppt课件免费下载Recycle 2第三课时四年级上册PEP英语公开课ppt课件
Chant and match Let’s sing
1、Sing the song
uncle aunt father mother
grandpa grandma sister brother
doctor farmer teacher student
driver singer baseball player nurse
How many people are there in your family?
Who are they?
What’s your father/…?
Is he/she a nurse/..?
1. Pass the word
What’s your father? My father is a doctor.
2.Group work
My father is a doctor .
mother singer
grandpa farmer
grandma teacher
aunt nurse
uncle driver
sister student
brother baseball player
3.chant and match
Come and meet my family.
Come and meet my family,
Come and meet my family,
My father is a doctor.
My mother is a singer.
My grandpa is a farmer.
My grandma is a teacher.
My aunt is a nurse.
My uncle is a driver.
My sister is a student.
My brother is a baseball player.
Merry Christmas
Sing the song