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    人教版小学英语五年级下册 - Unit 3 My school calendar

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  • 时间:  2016-04

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免费下载Unit3 My school calendar A let
Unit 3 My school calendar
A Let’s talk
fly kites
go on a picnic
go for a walk
plant trees
watch flowers
A: Which season is it now?
B: It’s_______.
A: What’s the weather like in spring?
B: It’s_______.
We have a few fun things in spring.
I can...
March 三月
We have a few fun things in spring.
April 四月
May 五月
March, March, March is in spring.
April, April, April is in spring.
May, May, May is in spring.
March, April, May.
April 四月
May 五月
March 三月
school trip
sports meet
Easter party
March 三月
April 四月
May 五月
Chinese test
singing contest
Math test
March 三月
April 四月
May 五月
[Easter] 一年一度纪念耶稣复活的宗教节日,日期年年不同,在每年3月21日或过了3月21日月圆之后的第一个星期日;如果月圆那天,正好是星期日,则复活节推迟一星期举行。
April 5th
Easter eggs
Easter Bunny
Easter party
1.Mike and Zhang Peng have a few fun things in spring. What are they?
Sports meet, Easter party and
school trip.
2. When is the sports meet?
It’s in April.
3. When is the Easter party?
It’s in April, too.
4. When is the school trip?
It’s in May.
Task3: Fill in the blanks
Mike: We have ______ fun things in spring.
After the __________, we have an
Easter party.
Zhang: ______ is the party?
Mike: It’s ____ April. We have a ________ ,too.
Zhang : ______ is that?
Mike: It’s in ______.
Zhang: Cool!
a few
sports meet
school trip
Task4: Listen and repeat
Task5: pair work
Mike: We have a few things in spring.
After ,
we have ___________________.
Zhang Peng: _______________________?
Mike: It’s in _________.
We have ______________, too.
Zhang Peng:___________is that?
Zhang Peng: Cool!
the sports meet
an Easter party
When is the party?
a school trip
It’s in May.
Read and say
( ) 1. Tree Planting Day is in February.

( ) 2. Winter vacation is in February and March.

( ) 3. Mother’s Day is in May.

( ) 4. Easter is in April.

( ) 5. Children’s Day is in January.